Well-being, Fitness & Health

gateau au chocolat

Tips to avoid (re)gaining weight during the end-of-year holidays

The end of year celebrations generally represent times of sharing, abundance of food, deliciously endless meals and indulgence. Far from wanting to shake up the food traditions linked to this period of taste pleasures, certain points must be mastered in order to avoid (re)gaining weight in the long term. During this period, temptation is great

Tips to avoid (re)gaining weight during the end-of-year holidays Read More »

graines de lin

Weight gain, an aggravating factor in endometriosis

Endometriosis is characterized by the presence and proliferation of endometrial tissue (tissue that lines the inside of the uterus) outside the endometrial cavity. The clinical manifestations are varied. It usually extends to the pouch of Douglas or the ovaries and can cause ovarian enlargement. It can also involve remote sites (lung-umbilicus). Endometriosis is rarely found

Weight gain, an aggravating factor in endometriosis Read More »


Everything you need to know about cellulite, definition and health and diet advice

During a first telephone contact with a future patient, I always ask why she wants a dietary assessment and what her objectives are. The result is clear: the problem of cellulite is recurring. Indeed, the orange peel skin that we all hate affects nearly 95% of women, whether they are overweight or thin or even

Everything you need to know about cellulite, definition and health and diet advice Read More »