Which probiotics to lose weight?

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Probiotics are live microorganisms, generally bacteria or yeast, believed to be beneficial to the body, particularly for the digestive system. When consumed as food or dietary supplements, they are believed to maintain or restore beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, with a health benefit. The digestive health benefits of probiotics positively affect weight loss. Thus, certain probiotics, notably certain bacteria, such as lactobacteria and very specific bifidobacteria, prove useful for weight loss. But it’s not just them! So, which probiotics to lose weight?

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What are the best slimming probiotics?

Consumption of certain probiotics can help achieve weight loss goals. Indeed, there are probiotics useful for weight loss, as they inhibit fat absorption, help stabilize intestinal bacteria ratios, induce fat burning and slow fat storage. Furthermore, they contribute to improving metabolism and controlling appetite. Thus, several probiotics, slimming allies, in particular, lactobacteria and bifidobacteria, could induce weight loss.


Lactobacillus gasseri

Lactobacillus gasseri (L. gasseri) is a slimming probiotic. This strain of probiotic is a lactic acid bacteria (it produces lactic acid), it is naturally present in breast milk. It contributes to weight regulation and loss of excess weight. It allows you to lose weight. It reduces fat storage, in particular abdominal adiposity, thus allowing weight loss in the stomach. This strain of probiotic has the particularity of reducing the accumulation of fat mass, belly fat and fat under the skin, waist circumference and hip circumference. It prevents the absorption of fats. So, when fat is not absorbed, it cannot add to body weight.

This probiotic strain would have the ability to modify the chemical signals of fat processing, thus facilitating weight loss. Also, it reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It thus reduces body weight, particularly BMI (body mass index).

Lactobacillus paracasei

Lactobacillus paracasei is one of several strains of beneficial bacteria that make up the gut microflora population. This strain of probiotic bacteria belongs to the Lactobacillaceae family and the Lactobacillus genus. It is a lactic acid bacteria that facilitates the digestive activity of lactose-based products, fights pathogenic bacteria and improves metabolism.

It also helps reduce the accumulation of fat, reduce the size of fat cells and lose weight. It also inhibits fat absorption, alters fat storage and thus promotes a reduction in adipose tissue and fat production. Lactobacillus paracasei constitutede a probiotic strain that helps reduce body weight.

Lactobacillus plantarum

Belonging to the family of Lactobacillaceae, Lactobacillus plantarum is a probiotic strain. This lactic acid bacteria is present in the digestive system and the oral cavity of the human body. While contributing to the fermentation of many foods of plant origin, it proves beneficial for health with a protective effect against intestinal infections, with properties that allow the inhibition of potentially pathogenic agents and relief of the symptoms of the syndrome. irritable bowel.

Weight loss is also facilitated with this probiotic strain which contributes to the reduction of body weight and body fat percentage. It reduces glucose, insulin and leptin levels. It allows you to lose weight and lose weight healthily.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a probiotic strain that belongs to the lactobacteria group. Derived from human gut microbiota, this beneficial bacteria supports healthy digestion and immune health, while reducing body weight and weight gain.

It is useful in combating obesity or excessive accumulation of body fat. It protects against the accumulation of fat in the tissues, caused by a diet rich in fat. Thus, it reduces adiposity, fat mass and fat content in the liver. Lactobacillus rhamnosus facilitates weight loss and its maintenance, allowing the subject to lose weight effectively.


Bifidobacterium breve

The probiotic Bifidobacterium breve is a bifidobacterium of the genus Bifidobacterium. It produces bioactive components (conjugated linoleic acid), acetic acid, lactic acid. It has the ability to ferment sugar and helps break down food. This slimming probiotic improves metabolism and reduces belly fat and visceral fat deposition. It reduces body fat levels, while resisting fat absorption. It reduces fat mass with a significant reduction in adipose tissue. It opposes the inflammation of fatty tissues which promote obesity. Thus, the probiotic Bifidobacterium breve reduces weight gain and allows the subject to lose weight.

Bifidobacterium animalis

Bifidobacterium animalis is a strain of probiotic bacteria that populates the colon and lives naturally in the digestive tract. This lactic acid bacteria also produces acetic acid, ethanol and formic acid. By contributing to gastrointestinal well-being and the prevention of gastrointestinal symptoms, it is greatly useful for health. It helps fight obesity by reducing visceral abdominal fat in overweight or slightly obese individuals. Thus, it helps reduce fat levels, prevent obesity and reduce body mass index (BMI).

Natural slimming foods and probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms found in food. These foods are then considered natural probiotics with beneficial effects for health. These natural, organic quality probiotic foods allow you to consume good quantities of probiotics in the form of fermented foods. Indeed, lactic fermentation or lacto-fermentation (fermentation carried out with lactic acid bacteria or lactic ferments) makes it possible to produce natural probiotics with probiotic foods rich in good bacteria.

Certain (lacto-fermented) foods of plant or dairy origin contain probiotics and are, moreover, better natural probiotics for weight loss.

Natural slimming probiotics of plant origin

The sauerkraut

Sauerkraut or fermented cabbage is a natural fermented food. Lacto-fermentation, which transforms the sugar in the cabbage into acid, modifies the nutritional qualities of this vegetable. This process makes sauerkraut a true plant-based source of probiotics and a nutritional and slimming food. This lacto-fermentation dish is very low in calories, with many health benefits. To benefit from the slimming effects of sauerkraut, it is best to avoid eating it with cold meats or less healthy foods. It is also necessary to favor the consumption of organic sauerkraut or raw sauerkraut, it constitutes a healthy diet for the intestinal flora, with many benefits for health. Unlike cooked or sterilized sauerkraut, raw or organic sauerkraut contains beneficial bacteria or probiotics.

Sauerkraut is one of the best plant sources of probiotics
Sauerkraut is one of the best plant sources of probiotics

Tempeh is a dish made from fermented soy beans. Rich in probiotics, this dish of Indonesian origin constitutes a good source of complete protein which also offers consumers all the benefits of fermentation with beneficial effects on the digestive and immune systems. It is useful in a natural weight loss process.


Fermented pickle (made from lactic fermentation) constitutes a source of probiotics beneficial for the body. It is a valuable asset for losing weight. It also has digestive benefits (it improves digestive health). Low in calories, the pickle is characterized by an excellent vitamin K and sodium content. To benefit from the benefits of this lacto-fermented vegetable, you should favor organic and naturally fermented gherkins.


Komboucha is a fermented tea. It is the result of a mixture of yeasts, bacteria, sugar and tea that is left to ferment. This lacto-fermented drink with multiple virtues originates from the Far East (Mongolia). This natural probiotic drink rebalances the intestinal flora, while promoting digestion; it also contributes to the prevention of intestinal diseases. Very low in calories, this slimming ally is rich in probiotics (live micro-organisms) and nutrients (minerals, vitamins). It is likely to constitute a weight loss aid and can help to eliminate extra kilograms, with in particular, components (probiotics) beneficial for health and for the figure.

Natural slimming probiotics of dairy origin


Dairy products, in particular yogurts, are better suppliers of good bacteria or probiotics. Yogurt is a fermented milk. It is the result of lactic fermentation, with the addition of two lactic ferments (lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus) to the raw material which is milk. These ferments make it possible to ferment the milk and obtain yogurt.

Yogurt is therefore enriched with probiotic bacteria, facilitating digestion and beneficial for the immune system. These microorganisms also play a role in weight loss. Yogurts made from fermented milk (with lactic ferments) are much better and are associated with many health benefits.

Yogurts are rich in “good” bacteria
Cheese rinds

Cheese is a food of dairy origin. It is the result of fermentation of milk under the action of lactic acid bacteria. These fermented cheeses are rich in probiotics, especially in the rind. This probiotic content proves useful for the digestive system and to strengthen immunity.

Thus, the rind of certain cheese varieties (unpasteurized hard or soft cheese), characterized by contributions of probiotics, is beneficial for health.

Milk kefir

Milk kefir is a fermented milk drink that is made with cow, sheep or goat’s milk kefir grains. Kefir grains are in fact a mass of yeasts (Saccharomyces kefir and Candida kefir) and lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus caucasicus, Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus lactis). This dairy product thus undergoes a fermentation process under the action of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria.

Easily digestible, low in calories, low in sugar and rich in calcium, vitamin B, folic acid and proteins, kefir is a source of natural probiotics. It provides the body with strains of probiotics that regulate weight, promote better digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Probiotics for weight loss: organic food supplements available in pharmacies

Natural probiotics are available in foods of plant or dairy origin or in the form of food supplements sold in pharmacies. These food supplements are probiotic foods, they are present in pharmacies in the form of capsules, tablets, capsules or powder. Certain foods do not provide enough probiotic strains, so these food supplements constitute probiotic supplements which allow you to benefit from the many benefits of these good bacteria and to benefit from a probiotic treatment available in pharmacies.

But, in pharmacies, it is advisable to prefer probiotic supplements of natural or organic origin, notably with healthy components, and not containing additives, chemical molecules or pesticides. They are composed of natural ingredients or ingredients mainly of plant origin, without any additives, without GMOs and without allergens. When choosing, it is preferable to opt for organic food supplements containing probiotic strains compatible with weight loss objectives. To do this, it is important to favor organic probiotic food supplements containing one or more probiotic strains specific to weight loss.

probiotic for weight loss

What are probiotics?

In the popular imagination, bacteria are microorganisms that are harmful to the body. Although external bacteria can be harmful when they enter the body, the body is home to a multitude of beneficial bacteria from a diversity of species. Probiotics are one of these beneficial bacteria.

These are living microorganisms or bacteria, beneficial to health when they are in sufficient quantities. Probiotics are mainly bacteria of human, dairy or plant origin. They are, naturally, present in the body. It is possible to find probiotics in many foods. They are also available as dietary supplements.

Etymologically, the term probiotic comes from the Greek words “pro” (in favor) and “biotikos” (life). The etymology of the word probiotic means, thus, in favor of life. As an integral part of the digestive tract, the immune system and other apparatus and systems of the human body, probiotics are present in the intestinal, oral and vaginal flora. There are different types of probiotic bacteria and a diversity of species within each group, each species has many strains. Most strains of probiotics belong to the genus Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Lactococcus or even Streptococcus.

Probiotics for weight loss
Probiotics are bacteria that can, for example, help you lose weight.

What are the health benefits of probiotics?

At the level of the digestive system

Probiotics are good bacteria, greatly beneficial to health. Several types of probiotic bacteria allow the body to defend itself against harmful bacteria (viruses, microbes and many other toxins). Within the human host, particularly in the intestinal flora, these good bacteria aid digestion, improve the movement of food through the intestine, absorb various nutrients and prevent harmful bacteria from taking up residence in the stomach. They help the body to eliminate bacteria that may be harmful, while allowing the intestinal flora to defend itself in the event of invasion by harmful microorganisms. They neutralize pathogenic germs harmful to the intestines.

At the level of the immune system

Probiotics are not only beneficial for digestive health. They also have benefits for the immune system. They help strengthen the immune system and natural defenses by stimulating the production of numerous antibodies and the natural immune cells of the intestine.

Against diseases

Consumption of probiotics can have various beneficial effects on the health of functions throughout the human body. It helps relieve irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, bloating, inflammation and many other illnesses caused by intestinal bacteria. Probiotics offer protection against infections of the respiratory system, relieve chronic health problems, autoimmune diseases, allergies, food intolerances, while contributing to the treatment and prevention of vaginal yeast infections. They improve heart health, reducing blood cholesterol with a hypoglycemic effect.

In short, probiotics reduce the risk of infections, gastrointestinal disorders and cardiovascular diseases. However, in the following lines I will focus on the benefits of probiotics in weight loss, and in identifying all these “benefactors”.

Probiotics can help you lose weight

By promoting weight loss

A sufficient amount of probiotic in the body contributes to improved digestive health, but also to sustained weight loss. So, probiotics can help you lose weight and belly fat in a healthy way. They are involved in a number of different processes in the body, which have a direct impact on weight loss. They facilitate the restoration of intestinal flora in favor of bacteria which promote weight loss. Indeed, certain strains of probiotics have a slimming effect and oppose inflammation of adipose tissue. Thus, probiotics can help people get rid of excess pounds and keep them off again.

Good bacteria are necessary for the absorption of nutrients and minerals, and help the body produce vitamins. This supply of nutrients (vitamins, trace elements) quickly triggers a feeling of satiety. This prevents the subject from eating more than necessary and helps avoid snacking between meals.

Lose weight by eating better
Lose weight by eating better

By eliminating the kilograms caused by constipation

Probiotics help prevent constipation, while promoting healthy intestinal transit, which is essential for weight loss. Indeed, with (acute) constipation, an intestinal blockage sets in with food waste and toxins stored in the intestine. This intestinal blockage inflames the body, generates water retention, favoring a gain of a few kilograms, which is not due to accumulated fat. By improving digestion and intestinal transit, probiotics help you lose a few kilograms caused by bloating resulting from stool retention in the intestine. This allows the excess weight caused by constipation to disappear.

Also, toxins retain fat in the body. Probiotics help eliminate toxins and waste accumulated in the body. This intestinal cleansing process helps get rid of toxins and eliminate fats while promoting weight loss.

By reducing weight gain caused by hyperinsulinemia

Insulin is a so-called anabolic hormone, which can promote weight gain. It puts the body in a position to build new tissues, by promoting the transport of sugar from the blood to adipose tissues, resulting in the accumulation of fat in the body, especially around the waist.

This is why a high level of insulin is associated with the production of fat and its accumulation in the stomach, in particular, with weight gain, essentially, around the stomach. As a result, excess insulin in the blood (hyperinsulinemia) is often accompanied by obesity. Probiotics, which help normalize blood glucose levels, promote a reduction in body weight and adiposity. They regulate blood sugar and reduce appetite. Such an effect makes it possible to avoid gluttony and snacking between meals and therefore promotes weight loss.

By increasing the levels of GLP 1 or ANGPTL4

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP1) is an intestinal hormone that induces satiety, therefore reducing appetite. Probiotics promote the release of this satiety hormone. Increased levels of this hormone allow the metabolism to burn more calories and fat. Thus, probiotics improve the feeling of satiety, by playing a role in appetite. By increasing the release of the GLP-1 hormone, they induce a reduction in food intake, the body then quickly feels full and the need to eat is reduced. He can therefore lose weight easily.

Angiopoietin like 4 (ANGPTL4) is a protein, naturally produced within the intestinal flora. This protein reduces the amount of fat absorbed during a meal. Probiotics can increase levels of the ANGPTL4 protein. This action can lead to a reduction in fat storage.

By rebalancing the intestinal flora

Probiotics contribute to weight loss because they promote better digestive health. A well-functioning gut ensures healthy weight loss. These good bacteria add microorganisms to the gut to consume all the excess calories the body doesn’t need. They facilitate digestion and promote weight loss, by improving metabolism to store less fat and contributing to the rebalancing of the intestinal flora.

An imbalance in the intestinal flora promotes weight gain and abdominal fat gain. Probiotics help regulate intestinal flora and thus promote weight loss and slimming. They regulate the intestinal flora, providing the necessary bacteria to prevent weight gain.