Does corn make you gain weight?

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Corn is one of the most consumed cereals in the world after wheat. Its ears are rich in water and are often used as a vegetable.

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It is one of the main foods consumed by Americans. Around 843,000,000,000 kg are produced annually.

It occupies an important place in cuisine and it is found in many dishes. It remains to be seen whether yes or No, corn really makes you gain weight.

To shed light on this mystery, find out what it is made of, its calorific values ​​and the reasons why it could promote weight gain.

The corn

Corn is a cereal from Mexico. It was first planted around 9,000 years ago by Native Americans. It adapts to a humid tropical climate and produces grains that can be ground to obtain flour.

Does corn make you gain weight?
Corn is one of the most consumed cereals in the world

This cereal began to be cultivated in France and more particularly in the southwestern part of the country from the 17th century.

Corn Appearance

Corn generally consists of yellow kernels and silk, all wrapped in leaves. Stem and root are not included.

Note that today there are varieties made up of blue and purple grains. This difference would be due to the cultivation method adopted.


Corn can be eaten in various ways. The cob can be cooked in water and grilled. Ears and seeds can be sold canned for those who prefer “already ready” to avoid peeling and cooking. Finally, corn can also be eaten puffed or popcorned.

In addition, there are also derivatives, namely:

  • Flour ;
  • Semolina ;
  • The sound ;
  • Oil;
  • Starch;
  • The sirup.

The composition of corn

Corn is rich in nutrients and its consumption is beneficial for health:

  • Phosphorus maintains the proper growth of bones and normalizes blood pH;
  • Magnesium ensures the production of proteins, contributes to the development of bones and maintains the proper functioning of enzymes;
  • Iron plays an important role in blood circulation. It is the essential constituent of red blood cells. It also guarantees the formation of new cells, hormones and neurotransmitters;
  • Zinc participates in immune reactions and wound healing. Consumption of sweet corn is recommended for pregnant women, because zinc develops the fetus;
  • Manganese is mainly present when corn is first boiled and then drained. They are enzyme cofactors intended to improve metabolism.
  • Canned cobs are sources of copper. They constitute hemoglobin and collagens in the body.
  • Vitamins B1, B2 and B3 participate in cell renewal and produce hormones. They work together to produce energy from ingested carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Vitamin C has antioxidant properties, preserving the health of bones and teeth. It helps fight infections, absorbs iron from consumed plants and promotes healing.
  • Corn also contains pantothenic acids and folate which contribute to the healthy growth of the fetus. They synthesize genetic materials like DNA and RNA.

What are its calorific values?

100 g of corn cobs provide approximately 100 calories or 421 kJ. Its composition is distributed as follows:

  • 3.4 g of protein;
  • 16.4 g of carbohydrates (4.8 g of sugar, 7.2 g of starch and 4 g of dietary fiber);
  • 1.5 g of lipids (0.2 g of saturated fatty acids, 0.4 g of monounsaturated fatty acids and 0.6 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids).
  • 75% water.

Vitamin intakes are:

  • about 9% vitamin C;
  • 7% vitamin E;
  • 8% vitamin B1;
  • 4% vitamin B2;
  • 11% vitamin B3;
  • 13% vitamin B5;
  • 10% vitamin B6;
  • 29% vitamin B9.

As for mineral contributions, they are broken down as follows per 100 g of corn:

  • 3 mg of calcium;
  • 77 mg of phosphorus;
  • 26 mg of magnesium;
  • 218 mg of potassium;
  • 1 mg sodium;
  • 0.5 mg of iron;
  • 0.4 mg zinc;
  • 0.2 mg of manganese;
  • 1 mg of iodine;
  • Traces of selenium.

Does corn make you gain weight?

Corn contains carbohydrates

Corn is made up of more than 70% starch, i.e. carbohydrates. This is why the cobs are cooked with water and have a sweet taste. These guarantee a supply of energy and are easily assimilated by the body, contributing to its proper functioning. Contrary to popular belief, this type of carbohydrate has no impact on weight gain.

Does corn make you gain weight?
Foods that accompany corn are often the cause of weight gain

A cereal rich in fiber

Corn contains more fiber than corn rice. And among all the foods in its category, notably wheat, oats and rice, it is the one that provides the most antioxidants.

Note that an antioxidant is ideal to combat bad cholesterol and cardiovascular problems.

Therefore, consuming a portion of corn cobs daily is beneficial for health and helps regulate body fat.


It is mainly the way of cooking corn and its accompaniments that influences weight. In fact, this cereal is very low in lipids (nearly 1.5% of its total weight).

Popcorn, for example, is often accompanied by syrup. It is this substance that promotes weight gain.

An ally as part of a slimming program

Thanks to its different specificities, you can make corn your ally as part of your slimming program.

This is’an excellent appetite suppressant which provides a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Cornbread is specially recommended by nutritionists for slimming diets.

Corn oil has the particularity of not influencing weight.


Corn is one of the foods often demonized by people wanting to stay in shape. Because this cereal is known to be rich in carbohydrates, many people skip it, fearing weight gain. In reality, corn does not make you gain weight. It is the accompaniments that are in question. On the contrary, it is a food to favor in slimming diets.