Oatmeal diet: the complete guide

[Article updated on 10/11/2023]

Fighting against extra pounds is a real battle that men and women tirelessly engage in, even to the point of following drug treatments that are sometimes harmful to the body. However, it is possible to follow a natural diet based on healthy products. Oatmeal, this breakfast so popular with young and old alike, is a slimming ally whose effectiveness we have no idea! Discover my complete guide to the oatmeal diet.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

What is oatmeal?

Oatmeal is a cereal obtained from oat seeds using a specific drying and grinding process.

oatmeal diet
Oatmeal is a cereal used mainly as a breakfast base.

It constitutes the dietary basis of breakfast in most English-speaking countries such as England or the United States, but it is also appreciated by Germans and French speakers.

Oats are a species of wheat originating from Asia. Its use was formerly reserved for medicine. It was much later that men made it a diet.

Oats were then exported to Eastern and Northern Europe around 2000 years ago. It was only towards the beginning of the 17th century that North America discovered its existence, the local climate being very suitable for its cultivation.

In Canada, oats were one of the most cultivated cereals around 1910, as the locals used them to feed horses.

Since the early 1970s, the consumption of oatmeal has become increasingly popular, thanks in particular to awareness campaigns on the virtues of this cereal for human health.

Nutritional value of oatmeal

Oatmeal does not contain gluten. On the other hand, it is rich in dietary fiber called beta-glucan, known for its ability to regulate bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Consuming 81 g of oatmeal provides 7.5 g of fiber. For a man, the daily nutritional value of this element is approximately 40 g while it is approximately 25 g for women.

When it comes to minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, oatmeal is one of the cereals richest in nutrients and trace elements. 100 g of oatmeal contains:

  • 51% daily intake of thiamine;
  • 8% riboflavin intake;
  • 5% niacin;
  • 6% vitamin B6;
  • 14% folate;
  • 13% pantothenic acid;
  • 26% iron;
  • 44% magnesium;
  • 52% phosphorus;
  • 12% potassium;
  • 26% zinc;
  • 31% copper.

Health benefits of oatmeal

Consumption of oatmeal is very beneficial for health. It has many virtues of which we are far from suspecting the existence!

Cholesterol regulator

Oatmeal has hypocholesterolemic properties, in other words, it helps reduce the rate of bad cholesterol (LDL – cholesterol).

Beta-glucan has the ability to reabsorb bile salts in the intestine, which causes a reduction in hepatic cholesterol production.

This cereal thus contributes to reducing the risks of contracting cardiovascular diseases by decongesting the veins.

Hunger regulator

Oatmeal contains few calories and is very rich in slow sugars. These are digested gradually in the body and thus prolong the feeling of satiety over long periods.

It’s not just morning cereals, but also gluten-free cookies made from oatmeal. These are real appetite suppressant which allow a low calorie intake for complete satiety.

Blood pressure regulator

While exact studies regarding the relationship between oatmeal consumption and blood pressure remain incomplete, it is found that people who regularly eat this cereal for breakfast have more stable blood pressure.

oatmeal diet
Consumption of oatmeal has been observed to help regulate blood pressure

Likewise, people prone to obesity or on hypotensive treatment who include oatmeal in their diet tend to see their blood pressure drop until it stabilizes.

Limiter of insulin production

Oatmeal also significantly reduces insulin secretion. In fact, it reduces the rate of absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine. Thus, you do not risk any increase in your blood sugar level and the body requires much less insulin.

For individuals with type 2 diabetes, taking cereals such as oatmeal is strongly recommended by doctors.

Skin conditioner

The numerous elements such as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium give oatmeal moisturizing and restorative properties for the skin. Moreover, many pharmaceutical laboratories use it today as an ingredient in cosmetic products.

Its high vitamin E content also provides beneficial antioxidant effects for skin cells.

Other benefits

In addition to these virtues contained in oatmeal, it also acts on the balance of the nervous system thanks to the presence of B vitamins in its composition.

It also helps strengthen bones. In fact, the calcium it is composed of promotes bone mineralization to provide them with good health and greater vitality.

Finally, regular consumption of oatmeal helps the liver function normally. Lecithin production is boosted and toxins are eliminated more effectively by the body.

Oatmeal for weight loss

Losing weight by eating oatmeal is possible. Moreover, there is a specific diet to lose your extra pounds just by eating oats regularly.

The benefits of the oatmeal diet

If you want to lose weight in the most natural way possible, the oatmeal diet is a healthy and effective solution that many doctors and nutritionists recommend.

This cereal is a very low-calorie food, so you can consume it as you wish without the risk of gaining more weight.

It is also very rich in thiamine, an active ingredient capable of transforming carbohydrates into energy. This virtue allows you to quickly lose weight by eliminating excess fat stored in your body.

How does the diet work?

The diet consists of replacing food with mainly oatmeal for a specific period of time. The diet plan is generally divided into three stages which are as follows:

  • The first stage: during the first phase, it is recommended to only consume oats, in powder form, in the form of oatmeal or biscuits during the three meals of the day. You thus “force” your body to get used to consuming oats. This phase lasts approximately 1 week;
  • The second step: it consists of mainly consuming oatmeal during the two meals, but varying the recipes with the intake of vegetables or fruits. The third meal contains only healthy, low-fat foods;
  • The third step: it allows you to return to a normal diet (healthy and balanced), but by reserving one day of the week for the exclusive consumption of oats. It is possible to add flavorings and fruits to vary the taste.
oatmeal diet
The “oatmeal diet” consists of replacing the main diet with oatmeal

Are there any side effects associated with the oatmeal diet?

Followed in reasonable and not excessive proportions, the oatmeal diet proves to be very beneficial and safe for the body.

However, anything in excess is bad. A diet that is too drastic in the long term harms the body considerably for various reasons.

Firstly, this diet provides very little energy value. It is therefore impossible for the body to function properly in the long term if the person only consumes oatmeal for too long. She feels extremely tired, nauseated and dizzy.

Secondly, excessive dietary restriction on oat consumption exposes you to the risk of kidney stones, osteoporosis and difficulty maintaining weight over time. Although oatmeal is rich in vitamins and minerals, it does not constitute a complete diet on its own.

Finally, its high fiber content creates inconveniences when dieting. Indeed, fiber has laxative properties which could force you to look for the toilet at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

Tips for consuming oatmeal properly

If you want to start an oatmeal diet, but you don’t know how to go about it, here are some tips for consuming this cereal properly and preventing you from quickly getting tired of its taste.

To consume cold

It is better to eat oatmeal cold rather than hot. If our reflex is often to pour the cereal into a bowl of hot milk, it is advisable to only eat it once it has cooled. Some even recommend making the mixture the day before and only eating the whole thing in the morning.

You will thus reduce its blood sugar value, but you will feel the feeling of satiety much more quickly.

Consume with milk or coffee

If cow’s milk is most often used at breakfast to mix our cereal, why not try plant-based milk like almond milk or soy milk? Your body will thus assimilate proteins more efficiently while avoiding animal fat.

For coffee drinkers, oatmeal mixes very well with your favorite beverage. Indeed, in addition to varying the taste, coffee has a diuretic virtue which will allow you toeliminate more fat.

Prefer syrups rather than sugar

If you find that your cereal is too bland, add a little sweetness to it. Avoid sugar, but opt ​​for agave syrup or honey instead. They will not raise blood sugar levels in your body.

Add fruit

Chopped fruit is a great ingredient to make your milk and oatmeal mixture more delicious. Whether banana, apple, pear or other seasonal fruits, they are real bonuses in nutrients and vitamins.

Some recipes to vary your diet

There are many ways to vary your oatmeal consumption, apart from the traditional oatmeal mixed with milk in the morning. Here are practical and simple recipes.

oatmeal diet
In order to avoid monotony, oatmeal can be cooked in different ways.

Oatmeal cookies

Overall, you use the same recipe as for your traditional cookies, but you only use powder and oat flakes. Instead of traditional sugar, choose coconut sugar for a completely gluten-free recipe.

Oat powder serves as a substitute for flour. You then have to mix it with the oatmeal, powder, egg, coconut sugar and baking powder then make balls.

You can also add chocolate chips or grated coconut to give your 100% gluten-free cookies more flavor.

Oat water

To obtain this famous substance, also ideal for losing weight, take a cup of oatmeal, essential oil to flavor the mixture or a cinnamon stick, and 2 liters of water.

Place everything in a blender, adding honey to sweeten the drink. Once the mixture is homogeneous, sift it through a sieve to remove the oat flake residue and you obtain the famous oat water to drink throughout the day.


The oatmeal diet allows you to follow an effective natural slimming program thanks to the high fiber intake and the absence of gluten. From now on, you will no longer have to break the bank by purchasing expensive pharmaceutical products that are not always healthy for the body. However, although it is a risk-free and inexpensive diet, it is important to always follow a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.