Mysimba: my Opinion & Purchase at the Best Price

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

There are many methods to lose weight and get the physique you’ve always dreamed of. Obviously, it is essential to adopt a balanced diet coupled with regular exercise. To this can be added the use of certain specific products which provide you with valuable assistance.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

In this category, there is the appetite suppressant. Among the many products available on the market, Mysimba is the ideal complement to your slimming program. Discover the specificities of this innovative product, its use, its effects, without forgetting its price…

Update : The MySimba product is no longer available for sale, the article has been kept for information purposes. Alternative products are available at the bottom of this page!

Presentation of Mysimba

Composition, operation and price

Designed by the laboratory Consilient Health, Mysimba is a top-ranked weight loss treatment in the category of “appetite suppressants”, that is to say that taking it allows to limit the feeling of hunger while optimizing satiety.

Presented in the form of a galenic tablet, it is made up of two active substances: naltrexone (7.2 mg) and bupropion (78 mg) which influence part of the brain called the reward system.

The first molecule is an opiate antagonist often used to treat people suffering from drug addiction (alcoholism), while the second acts as an antidepressant. They act through the phenomenon of “sustained release”, that is to say that their effects increase over hours and not instantly.

Please note that the price of this product varies depending on the seller: it may be different depending on you make a purchase online accompanied by an online consultation or whether you go directly to the pharmacy after going to the doctor. One box contains 112 tablets. At the online pharmacy Treated, the price is 277.29 euros per box.

If you need to start a Mysimba treatment, it is advisable to read the instructions beforehand. You there find crucial information to know the dosage, effects unwanted as well as components in case you are allergic to some. It is recommended to take into account substances likely to cause allergies.

Mysimba is a treatment for weight loss by acting as an appetite suppressant

Action mechanism

The mode of action of Mysimba is therefore based on naltrexone and bupropion. Their actions combine and influence the part of the brain that controls the food drive. The first is an opiate antagonist while the second is an antidepressant.

Both accelerate the loss of weight by reducing the pleasure associated with food consumption, decreasing thus the food consumed. With this medicine, you will eat less without even though you feel hungry a few moments later. They help you change your spending habits.

Accompany this treatment with physical activity is essential, even if it is a daily walking session for 30 mins. If there is an opportunity to do more, even better.

A product validated by the authorities of European regulations

Consumption of Mysimba is authorized within the European Union since March 2015.

Note that several searches and tests were carried out to test the effectiveness of Mysimba. Around 4,500 people subject to obesity or overweight participated in the experiments. These last having allowed the European authorities to approve this treatment.

Patients who tested the product first did a medical assessment in order to better understand the state of each, essential for better monitoring of possible positive effects and negatives of the drug.

For the experience, the participants are divided into two groups: the first tests Mysimba, the second takes a placebo. The goal is weight loss over a specific period of time. THE results are eloquent: those who consumed Mysimba showed a loss weight of around 9.3% compared to around 1.3% to 5.1% for those who took the placebo.

Beyond effectiveness, this test made it possible to note the opinions of participants, including side effects: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headaches.

Very often, the consumption of food supplements promoting weight loss increases the risk of cardiovascular problems. For its part, this would be less with Mysimba, but the absence of problems has not been established. Therefore, laboratories are still undertaking more in-depth research in order to remove the doubt. Experiments are then undertaken to verify the long-term effects of Mysimba in terms of cardiovascular health.

Update : The MySimba product is no longer available for sale, the article has been kept for information purposes. Alternative products are available at the bottom of this page!

Although approved by the European regulatory authority, Mysimba may cause side effects

What do professionals think?

According to the ANSM (National Medicines Safety Agency), the consumption of Mysimba should be subject to caution because of the substances it contains and whose full long-term effects are not yet well known. In-depth studies would be necessary to rule out any uncertainty.

In any case, it should be noted that on December 19, 2014, the AEM (European Medicines Agency) and the CHMP (Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use) issued a favorable opinion on the sale of the product fighting obesity. and overweight. However, these professionals recommend adopting a healthy diet and physical activity at the same time.

The AEM rightly emphasizes that the Mysimba should be delivered only under medical prescription to adult patients. These must have a negative cholesterol test result and hypertension. Concerning the treatment, this must not exceed a year whether for obese or overweight people.

On the distributor side, a few brands have given a favorable opinion, including the Treated pharmacy which distributes this product. The latter would allow a weight loss of around 5%. Once again, users are recommended to invest in physical activity and the consumption of healthy food.

Anyone who follows a treatment with Mysimba must be followed by your doctor. After 16 weeks of taking this product, if the patient loses only 5% or less of his original weight, he will have to stop treatment. Furthermore, if the practitioner notices a lack of motivation on the part of the patient to integrate a balanced diet and sport in his treatment, it is also his duty to cancel his prescription.

Who is Mysimba for?

Mysimba allows you to lose weight thanks to the specific active ingredients it contains. You should know that this treatment is not for everyone. You must, in fact, meet certain criteria to benefit from it. Particularly in terms of Body Mass Index (BMI). The prescription is then accompanied by precautions to take. Obviously, a certain dosage must be respected. Furthermore, the patient must also strictly respect certain new rules of life.

Update : The MySimba product is no longer available for sale, the article has been kept for information purposes. Alternative products are available at the bottom of this page!

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Formerly called “index of Quetelet”, it was from 1972 that the term IMC was used. It’s in 1997 that the World Health Organization (WHO) uses it internationally.

This is a way of calculating the body size of an individual. Before taking Mysimba or another food supplement intended to help you lose a few extra pounds, it is necessary to know yourself. it is then necessary to calculate your BMI to know how overweight you are and how many kilos you need to lose.

This value is essential for tracking your weight. For the calculation, you need to know the weight and the size of a person. BMI is obtained by taking the ratio of weight to the square of the size. Its value is said to be normal when it is close to 18.5.

To follow a treatment based of Mysimba, the BMI must be at least 30. According to the doctor’s assessment, it is possible that a person with a BMI around 27 to 30 is eligible for this treatment intended to help lose weight.

Mysimba is aimed at people with a BMI greater than 27

Indications for Mysimba

Mysimba is a supplement food which is aimed at both men and women who suffer from overweight or obesity. As said previously, the patient’s BMI is included between 27 and 30.

Treatment is generally prescribed for patients in this category when excess weight is accompanied by diseases such as diabetes, high levels of fat in the blood or blood pressure that is too high. These disorders presenting a real danger to health.

Mysimba can also be recommended for patients who have undertaken other techniques to lose weight, but without success, especially diets and sports. In all the case, any treatment must be subject to rigorous support and The doctor must ensure follow-up of each patient concerned.


There are some contraindications to know for the prescription of Mysimba. This medication is prohibited in some scenarios.

  • Taking Mysimba is strongly discouraged in pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  • The chemical components contained in the medicine are not suitable for people who have consumed regularly and excessively alcohol in their lives;
  • A treatment based on Mysimba is not suitable for patients who display hypersensitivity to the naltrexone, bupropion or other components of this medicine (read carefully read the instructions to know them all);
  • This medicine is not recommended for people suffering from epilepsy and who have undergone curative treatment or not compared to to this disease;
  • Mysimba is not suitable for patients who suffer high blood pressure;
  • It is prohibited for people under treatment / withdrawing from opioid painkillers or suffering from anorexia and bulimia start a weight loss treatment based on Mysimba.

If you do not belong to any of these categories, it is always preferable to consult your doctor before continuing to take this medication, in order to avoid any risk of complications or intolerance.

Update : The MySimba product is no longer available for sale, the article has been kept for information purposes. Alternative products are available at the bottom of this page!

Dosage and instructions for use


First of all, it must be emphasized that Mysimba can only be obtained by prescription. The treatment lasts at least 4 weeks with a different dosage each week:

  • 1time week: one tablet to take each morning
  • 2th week: two tablets per day (one in the morning, one in the evening)
  • 3th week: three tablets per day (two in the morning and one in the evening)
  • 4th week (and the following): four tablets per day (two in the morning and two in the evening)

Usage tips

This medicine is taken in the middle of meals to avoid stomach aches. Furthermore, it is recommended swallow the tablet directly with a little water without chewing it. Attention, a seizure may occur if the medication is taken regularly with fatty foods: fried foods, fatty meats, etc.

In the event that the patient has forgot your medication, it is forbidden to take a double dose during the day according to. If in doubt, it is recommended to seek the advice of your doctor on what to do.

It should also be remembered that a healthy diet low in cholesterol as well as practicing sport are strongly recommended during treatment. If you hate sports, it There are other solutions to get the body moving: walking, gardening…

Essential medical follow-up

Throughout the taking of Mysimba, medical monitoring is essential. In fact, the state of health of the patient should be checked regularly. Indeed, the subject may present side effects like headache or increased blood pressure arterial. Depending on the case, immediate cessation of treatment may be necessary. decided.

Medical monitoring is important when taking Mysimba

After 4 months of treatment, the doctor must carry out an assessment. It is important that the patient has benefited from a weight loss greater than 5% compared to the initial weight. If so, the treatment will be described as ineffective. In this case also, stopping the intake of Mysimba should be considered.

Update : The MySimba product is no longer available for sale, the article has been kept for information purposes. Alternative products are available at the bottom of this page!

Results of taking Mysimba

The capture of Mysimba brings feeling of fullness. The molecules present in each tablet act on the brain and more precisely on leptin which is the hormone promoting satiety and ghrelin which is the hunger hormone.

By feeling less hungry, the patient automatically reduces their rations. This should then result in a gradual weight loss.

Adverse effects and risks associated with capture of Mysimba

Treatment with Mysimba may cause side effects such as:

  • Nausea ;
  • Vomiting;
  • Diarrhea ;
  • Headaches ;
  • Dizziness ;
  • Insomnia;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Depression or its worsening;
  • Sweating;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Influenza ;
  • Unusual dreams;
  • Hair loss;
  • The taste of steel in your mouth;
  • Skin rash;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Lack of concentration;
  • Heartburn.

Furthermore, cases of effects More specific secondary effects may occur. If one or more of them affect you, alert your doctor immediately:

  • Impulsive and dangerous acts;
  • Agitation;
  • Aggression;
  • Anxiety;
  • The appearance of signs of depression;
  • Violent behavior;
  • Angry behavior;
  • The panic attack;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Liver problems;
  • Signs related to low sugar levels present in the blood;
  • Symptoms of glaucoma (disorder of the vision) ;
  • The ringing of the ears.

User reviews

The effectiveness of Mysimba depends above all on the patient’s willingness to seriously consider all the advice recommended by their doctor.

According to users, Mysimba proves effective for weight loss

If consumer reviews are to be believed, taking the tablets brings good results. A weight loss of at least 5% was observed among many users, particularly those tested under supervision of health professionals. Decreased appetite is the result most appreciated by patients. The quantities consumed at each Meals are more reasonable and snacking is easily avoided.

It is necessary to carry out a diagnosis complete with a doctor before embarking on the adventure in order to avoid unpleasant reactions.


The World Organization of Health reports a global increase in the rate of obesity, in particularly in developed countries. Since 1980, the figure has doubled and generally affects people in their twenties and over. However, it is not an illness and even less a fatality. He It is entirely possible to combat excess weight.

Firstly, you need to make radical lifestyle changes through a healthy diet and regular exercise. When such measures do not bring satisfactory results, it is possible to turn to more radical solutions like Mysimba which acts directly on your appetite. This product contains active ingredients that regulate your appetite, allowing you to reduce your diet and help you lose weight. But why lose a few extra pounds? Because overweight and obesity have negative effects on health. As for taking Mysimba, it is not a miracle formula. This is a two-way treatment: it is essential to adopt a reasonable calorie diet and you must also practice sport. Its effectiveness depends solely on the combination of these two points. Finally, the assistance of a health professional is essential, even obligatory.

Update : The MySimba product is no longer available for sale, the article has been kept for information purposes. Alternative products are available below!

The alternatives

MySimba is no longer available but other products are making up the difference! Here are a few :