Go on a quinoa diet

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

What exactly is Quinoa? It is a cereal ideal for people who want to lose weight without being tired. This food is appreciated for its virtues and its nutritional richness. It tastes good and is used in many recipes. I suggest you learn more about the quinoa diet.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

What is the quinoa diet?

Quinoa is above all a herbaceous plant belonging to the Chenopodiaceae family. These are the seeds that are picked. They come in two varieties, namely white and red. Quinoa cultivation dates back over 7,000 years. The plant has its origins in South America. It is related to beets and spinach. It is sacred among the Incas.

What is the quinoa diet?
It is the quinoa seeds that are consumed

The latter call it the “mother seed” in their language which is Quechua. The quinoa diet is considered a slimming diet thanks to the high iron, fiber and protein content of the seeds. They are low in lipids and free of gluten. They only provide 300 calories per 100 g when cooked.

How does a quinoa diet work?

The significant nutritional contribution of quinoa allows it to be defined as a food for weight loss. Its high content of complete proteins makes it suitable for replacing wheat and rice. The latter produce bloating effects because of the gluten of which they are composed.

Quinoa, on the other hand, is gluten-free. It then prevents you from having a bloated stomach. This food is rich enough in fiber to provide a feeling of satiety. It contains a lot of nutrients. It provides the vitamins and minerals you need to get through the day. Athletes who want to recover after physical effort take it, for example. All this shows that quinoa provides the nutritional elements that the body needs.

Note that this is not always the case with other slimming diets. These create a feeling of fatigue when not combined with other foods. Quinoa improves digestion thanks to the amino acids it contains. Fiber promotes elimination.

What is a day like on a quinoa diet?

A day following a quinoa diet is a day during which you resist snacking thanks to its effect effective appetite suppressant. Your body digests food more slowly thanks to large molecules produced by seeds. You seem less tempted to buy snacks between meals.

You manage to last until lunch after a breakfast that contains quinoa. This habit helps shape the silhouette of your dreams. You can include quinoa seeds in almost any meal to benefit from their benefits. As a reminder, here are the nutritional values ​​of 100 g of quinoa:

  • Protein: 4.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates: 18.8 g;
  • Lipids: 1.92 g;
  • Dietary fiber: 2.8 g;
  • Water: 71.6 g.

How to lose weight with quinoa: the advantages and disadvantages


It contains powerful antioxidants

Antioxidants occupy a prominent place in the diet since they protect against free radicals. The latter expose cells and tissues to the phenomenon of oxidation responsible for chronic diseases.

What is the quinoa diet?
Quinoa is a food rich in antioxidants

Regularly consuming foods rich in antioxidants slows down aging. Quinoa contains much more than other cereals. Quercetin and kaempferol, two powerful antioxidants, make up the food. They prevent cardiovascular/chronic diseases, osteoporosis and cancers.

It is rich in nutrients

Consuming quinoa regularly helps you stay healthy, thanks to its nutrients:

  • Magnesium: it prevents and reduces stress, cramps and insomnia;
  • Iron: it fights against anemia, provided it is combined with a food rich in vitamin C since it is an iron of plant origin;
  • Manganese: it contributes to the proper functioning of the metabolic system;
  • Phosphorus: it strengthens muscles, bones and teeth;
  • Copper: it prevents infectious problems and joint diseases such as rheumatism;
  • Zinc: it boosts immunity and participates in healing;
  • The flavonoid: it prevents and fights against cholesterol. Also, it overcomes cardiovascular diseases;
  • Vitamin E: it prevents cardiovascular problems;
  • Vitamin B2: it improves eyesight and participates in development.

It is gluten free

Earlier, I told you that quinoa is gluten-free. I did not specify how it was beneficial for health. Gluten is a component present in rye, wheat, flour and even barley. Many people are intolerant of it: they have celiac disease.

The symptoms of this pathology appear in the intestine. Celiac disease changes the intestinal lining, making it thick. The organ has difficulty absorbing nutrients. As the situation worsens, it quickly causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating.

It has a low glycemic index

Quinoa has a low impact on blood sugar levels. Its glycemic index is estimated at 35, compared to 85 for white rice. This categorizes it among foods with a low glycemic index. The higher the blood sugar level, the more fat is stored in adipocytes.


A quinoa diet does not have any notable side effects. Its high fiber content can cause problems for people who are intolerant to it. This may cause stomach pain. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of seeds, if you are affected by the problem. In this situation, I recommend that you move towards a type of diet that suits you.

What is the effectiveness and duration suitable for a quinoa diet?

The quinoa diet remains effective whether you combine it with physical activity or not. However, you get results more quickly by associating it with a sport. The seeds contain the necessary nutrients to help you resist the stress caused by the urge to snack.

What is the quinoa diet?
The seeds contain minerals and fiber

Nutrients, minerals and fiber work to improve the metabolic system, essential for weight loss. You can follow the weight loss diet until you are satisfied with the results. The product is suitable for almost everyone, including adults, children, athletes and even victims of obesity. Pregnant women should check with their doctor before consuming it.

Opinions of health professionals on the quinoa diet

Following a quinoa diet is a healthy way to eat. The food is rich enough in nutrients to suit everyone. You can integrate it into your diet to benefit from its health benefits and slimming goals. It’s a real fat burner.

Seeds help you overcome those little temptations to snack between meals. They do not increase your blood sugar. The lipids in quinoa are good fats. They ensure the proper functioning of the vascular system. This type of diet prevents you from falling into routine given the recipe possibilities. The main thing is to remove the saponin well to avoid the slightly bitter taste. You can add the seeds to both savory and sweet dishes.

Consumer reviews

More and more consumers are becoming fans of high-protein diets like the quinoa diet. Many of these have been recommended by a dietitian. They see noticeable results in a short time. However, they recommend pairing the seeds with healthy, low-calorie foods.

On average, they are based on a diet below 1000 cal/day. Some of these consumers do not seek care from a nutritionist doctor. They try to adapt the diet to their goal.

How to consume quinoa?

Quinoa has the advantage of being easily incorporated into different dishes. I invite you to discover how to prepare it, before giving you recipes.

What is the quinoa diet?
Quinoa has the advantage of being easily incorporated into different dishes.

Follow the tip below:

  • Take 150 g of organic quinoa;
  • Immerse them in a bowl filled with water;
  • Rinse them properly, twice in a row to remove the saponin;
  • Cook them in a saucepan containing water and a little salt/sugar according to the recipe;
  • Bring them to the boil for around ten minutes;
  • Remove from the heat before leaving to rest for around twenty minutes.

Saponin is a material that coats quinoa seeds. It produces a sort of foam in contact with water. Be sure to remove it properly when rinsing to avoid its bitter taste.

Recipe 1Coffee + wholemeal bread + fruitQuinoa risotto (150 g of quinoa + ingredients to make risotto)Onion soup
Recipe 2Coffee + yogurt + quinoa pudding A healthy salad + 100 g of salmon Cheese omelette
Recipe 3Quinoa bread + fruit juice + butterAvocado and quinoa saladMushrooms quiche