Go on a diet by cutting out starchy foods

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Many people ban starchy foods from their diet because they have a reputation for making you gain weight. These people then avoid bread, pasta or even rice from breakfast until dinner, for fear of gaining weight. However, they are unaware that these foods contain nutrients necessary to be in good shape. Starch-free diet: is it a good or bad idea? I will explain to you how this diet program works.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

Go on a diet by cutting out starchy foods

The role of starchy foods

Starchy foods are foods composed of dietary fiber, starches, vitamins and minerals. They belong to the family of complex and slow carbohydrates. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. They provide almost half of the energy the body needs to function properly. They are available from many foods that I will mention to you later. Starchy foods are not irreplaceable. It is possible to exclude it to adopt a slimming diet.

The starchy-free diet: how does it work?
The starchy-free diet was first adopted in the 19th century.

The principle of a starchy-free diet

The first consumers to adopt a starchy diet lived in the 19th century. At that time, a scientist named Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin made a connection between obesity and starchy foods. He managed to demonstrate that the consumption of flour and starch was one of the factors responsible for obesity.

In 1972, Dr. Robert Atkins proposed true starchy food programs. A starchy diet is a dietary program that excludes foods that are sources of starch. The latter is reduced as much as possible to limit the number of calories. Results, there is weight loss and a reduction in fat mass. This slimming method shares similarities with the ketogenic diet, a carbohydrate-free program.

How to follow a starchy diet

Following a starchy diet involves avoiding foods that are sources of complex, slow and fast carbohydrates, namely:

  • Bread-making products: bread, different types of pastries, pastries, rusks, and products containing flour;
  • Legumes and dried vegetables: lentils, beans, white/red beans, split/chick peas, soya, or even flageolet beans;
  • Cereals and their derived products: wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats, sorghum, pasta, breakfast cereals, or even semolina;
  • Sweet products: candy, chocolate, sweet drinks, jam or even honey.
  • Potatoes.

Foods to favor

In a starchy diet, it is important to replace foods that are sources of complex carbohydrates with others that contain less:

  • Green vegetables: spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, lettuce, celery, asparagus, cucumber;
  • Vegetables in abundance: carrots, beets, zucchini, parsnips, peppers;
  • Lean proteins: poultry, fish, tofu, eggs, low-fat dairy products;
  • Oilseeds: peanut, soya, sesame, hazelnut, almonds, cashew, flax.

How effective is a starchy-free diet?

An effective starchy-free diet helps you lose weight, as long as it suits you. The method consists of reducing consumption of primary sources of energy, in particular starches. In this condition, the body no longer has any energy supply from outside. It will then draw on energy reserves, in this case in adipose tissues. These store resources allowing the body to find energy.

This phenomenon causes weight loss since lipids from adipose tissues are used. Fat mass is reduced, as are the unsightly bulges that bothered you. Results are noticeable within two weeks.

The starchy-free diet: how does it work?
An effective starchy diet helps you lose weight.

It must be understood that starchy foods occupy a preponderant place in the diet. For example, you eat bread in the morning and pasta for lunch. You eat pastries between two meals. Weight loss is undeniable when you replace these carbohydrate sources with lower calorie foods.

In a day, you eat fewer calories. Blood sugar decreases along with insulin production when you consume fewer sugary foods/drinks. You should know that insulin takes care of carbohydrates to transform them into fatty acids. Click on this link if you are looking for them best fat burners to supplement your diet.

How to start a starchy diet?

Anyone wishing to start a starchy-free diet is required to analyze their complex carbohydrate intake. I advise those who have low carbohydrate levels to switch to other products to lose weight. They risk a carbohydrate deficiency, which leads to problems such as fatigue. I encourage you to consult a doctor regarding your compatibility to begin the diet, if you are in doubt.

To follow a starchy diet, you must eliminate foods containing carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. Here is a tip that I suggest to you: replace the bread you eat in the morning with a food less rich in starch. Foods rich in dietary fiber are interesting alternatives. They provide the nutrients needed on a daily basis. Also, these are powerful appetite suppressants. They protect you from snacking cravings, which conflict with the goal of losing weight. It is recommended to gradually reduce the consumption of starchy foods to accustom the body to the new diet.

This helps avoid drastic reductions in calories. In this situation, it will be easier to maintain weight even after stopping the diet. Drink enough water when reducing sources of complex carbohydrates to maintain muscle mass. Make sure to eat a balanced diet, despite reducing starch sources to avoid eating problems. Last advice, be patient to lose weight quickly.

The pros and cons of the starchy diet


A starchy diet reduces caloric intake almost in half in one day. This method therefore allows you to quickly find results, such as:

  • Weight loss: the method is a way to sculpt your figure.
  • A reduction in gluten consumption: the latter makes up many starchy foods such as wheat, flour, or even oats. It is dangerous for people with celiac disease.
  • A drop in blood sugar levels: this makes the method suitable for people with diabetes.

The inconvenients

The starchy diet can cause problems such as:

  • Loss of energy: this is one of the most common consequences observed in people with low sugar intake. The victim feels tired and their immune system weakens unless it addresses nutritional deficiencies.
  • Depression: depriving yourself of sugars and starchy foods leads to frustration. This has a direct impact on the victim’s social life, particularly on their relationships with loved ones.
  • The yo-yo effect: this type of diet makes you want to craving and snack because of the lack of fat. As a result, this leads to weight gain.
  • Hypoglycemia: sugar deficiency causes hypoglycemia.
  • Difficulty concentrating: slow sugars are necessary for intellectual development. A reduction at this level causes concentration problems.

How to lose weight thanks to a starchy diet: menu ideas

Day 1Scrambled eggs mixed with Provençal herbs, salt and pepper + fruit juice + low-fat yogurtSalmon + spinach saladTurmeric carrot soup
Day 2Fat-free cottage cheese + red tea + seasonal fruit (except banana)Crusty-free fish quiche + lightly sweetened fruit juiceGreen salad + chicken breast + tomato mixed with balsamic vinegar and olive oil
Day 3Green tea + seasonal fruit + fried eggsSalmon steak with vegetablesEgg casserole with button mushrooms + raw vegetables
Day 4Vegetable omelette + red tea + milkChicken skewer + green bean and egg saladEggplant gratin + green tea
Day 5Fruit salad + coffee + cottage cheese 0%Pepper stuffed with meatCream Of Cauliflower

The opinion of health specialists on the starchy-free diet

Health experts recommend the non-starchy diet to those who want to lose weight quickly. The results are visible after a few weeks. The method saves you from monotony, since it allows you to make several recipes. Doctors advise adapting the diet according to your physical activity.

The starchy-free diet: how does it work?
Health experts recommend the non-starchy diet to those who want to lose weight quickly.

They do not recommend the diet for those whose studies or work require a lot of energy. In this situation, it is wise to incorporate starchy foods with a low glycemic index to avoid carbohydrate deficiency. Specialists do not recommend this diet in the long term. The slimming goal must be carried out over a short period, that is to say less than a year.

Consumer opinions on the starchy-free diet

A lot of people seem interested in the starchy-free diet, based on my web research. Some of them are followed by a doctor to find the motivation to continue the diet. They decided to completely eliminate starchy foods from their diet.

They replace them with food allowing them to find a balanced diet. Consumers have managed to lose between 5 and 6 kg in the space of a month. According to testimonies, the starchy diet is suitable for finding results in a short time. The downside is that the diet gives you cravings during the day, and even at night. Self-control is therefore to be favored.