The 5 keys to maintaining balance during confinement

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

The Covid-19 Coronavirus epidemic is currently forcing us to live in confinement. It is a profound upheaval in our habits with, for some of us, the obligation to telework, an increase in stress due to current events or even boredom caused by sudden inactivity which encourages snacking or eating. feed differently.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

Chloé UZEL PONCEBLANC, Dietician-Nutritionist in Lyon who monitors her patients through teleconsultations during this particular period, shares her advice with you in order to best balance your daily life.

#1 Eat everything

It is essential to vary your diet to avoid deficiencies and maintain your energy. Here are the foods to favor:

  • Vegetables and fruits seasonal fresh produce (fibre, mineral and vitamin intake) that you can have delivered by a local producer or by a distributor website. Also don’t forget to eat frozen fruits and vegetables which retain all their nutritional qualities thanks to freezing.
  • THE starchy foods complete (rice complete, pasta complete…) to guarantee a good intake of fiber in order to improve transit which is slowed down due to lack of physical activity and a supply of magnesium to combat stress.
  • Legumes (chickpeas, red beans, lentils, etc.) to guarantee a good intake of iron and vegetable proteins.
  • Vegetable fats at the level of one tablespoon of oil per person per meal to guarantee the intake of essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) not synthesized by our body.
  • Meat, fish and eggs that you can take canned (mackerel, sardines) to have a good intake of animal proteins and maintain your muscle mass due to lack of physical activity.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day and reduce the consumption of sodas and syrups.

#2 Keep real meals so you don’t snack

For breakfast, I advise you to have wholemeal or cereal bread with butter, fresh cheese or very little jam. The objective is to have fiber, slow sugars, proteins and fat intake by limiting simple sugars.

At lunch, your plate should be balanced: one third protein, one third preferably whole starchy foods and one third raw and/or cooked vegetables with dairy and/or fruit depending on your appetite. The principle is to have a sufficient energy intake so as not to feel hungry quickly in the afternoon and to limit snacking.

As for dinner, keep the same principle by strongly limiting starchy foods and eat a lighter meal.

cooking during confinement

#3 Cook

Do you have more time? So cook, whether to relieve boredom, to share a time with family or to please yourself. It is easy to prepare savory cakes, quiches or gratins which are simple to prepare, balanced and shelf-stable menus several days. Ideal for the whole family.

#4 Physical activity

It’s time to practice at you daily physical activity so as not to lose your muscle mass, maintain mental balance and relieve stress accumulated. Take advantage of these moments of confinement to take care of you in a playful way. I advise you to practice at your pace of strengthening exercises muscular (squat, core or abs for example), cardio if you have the chance of having an exercise bike for example or yoga for release all the tensions from your body.

#5 Respect your eating sensations

Finally, the most important thing during this period of confinement is to respect your feelings of hunger and satiety as much as possible to listen to your needs and your body.

It is important to you ask before each meal if you feel hungry or if it It’s a simple desire to eat. You’re going to have to learn to focus on the “physical” signs that you feel when you are hungry in your stomach by example. If it is a “simple” desire to eat, the body will store more of what you eat. Of even, during the meal, it is essential to eat slowly and mindfulness so that the brain can better register the information and you can better feel the sensation of satiety. For example, avoid eating your meals while watching the television.

It is also essential to stop eating when the feeling of satiety has set in.

Take good care of yourself and your family.