[Article updated on 19/09/2023]
Support within the framework of a weightloss must be adapted, case by case. The approach must be holistic. Everyone is unique. Be careful with strict diets for weight loss.
Repeated strict diets can lead to hypothyroidism and the famous yoyo effect, a drop in energy, gastrointestinal symptoms, micronutritional deficiencies (induced or aggravated), metabolic acidosis, eating disorders, etc.
Why the yoyo effect?
Strict diets disrupt the basic metabolism. Basal metabolism is the amount of energy the body needs to carry out its vital functions (work of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc.).
Imagine an extreme situation:
You are in the high mountains and find yourself sequestered by the snow: Koh Lanta in the snow! Your body must overadapt and will therefore decrease your basal metabolism.
The problem is that returning to ordinary life, your basic metabolism will remain at the same level, which will promote storage and weight gain.
Moral of the story: the more you mistreat your body with strict diets, the more difficult weight loss will be in the long run.
You should know that despite a balanced diet and appropriate physical activity, if you are unable to lose weight, certain factors can limit or prevent weight loss:
Chronic stress
Metabolic acidosis, sleep and mood disorders, hyper-permeable intestine, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance and consequently android-type weight gain, in other words abdominal, are all dysfunctions induced by chronic stress.
Holistic support is imperative: Nutrition, phytomicronutrition, even therapies such as EMDR, NLP, sophrology (etc.) will be essential keys.
Insulin resistance
Imagine: Insulin is a hormone or “messenger” synthesized by the pancreas.
His role : Ingestion of a simple or complex carbohydrate causes hyperglycemia (increase in the concentration of glucose per liter of blood). The body must quickly restore normal blood sugar levels.
The pair of insulin and inflammatory factor (“fire factor”) will therefore be secreted by the pancreas in proportion to the rate of rise in blood glucose...
The insulin will be transported to the target cell of a target tissue (Ex: muscle tissue) to attach to its specific receptor (“its chair”). Insulin will thus be able to transmit its message to the cell. Upon receiving the message, the cell sends “communication agents” to the excess glucose in the blood. In turn, the glucose will join the muscle cell, to attach to a specific receptor (GLUT 4). The glucose will then be transported inside the cell, to a wonderful energy plant (the mitochondria). Thus, the glucose will be transformed into energy (ATP). And normal blood sugar levels will be restored.
In case of insulin resistance, the glucose sensor cell is disrupted. Causes: dietary imbalances and consequently, unbalanced cell membrane (excess or deficiency in cholesterol, omega 3 deficiencies, etc.), chronic stress, chronic acute inflammation, menopause, pathologies such as polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. .
Insulin resistance is a vicious circle
When the cell becomes resistant to insulin, it will have difficulty capturing excess blood glucose (reminder: insulin is a messenger responsible for ordering the cell to capture excess glucose in the bloodstream and metabolize it into energy).
The glucose not metabolized by the cell into ATP (energy) will be stored in a “Bus” called Triglyceride. Excess glucose will therefore be diverted towards triglycerides, to avoid chronic hyperglycemia. In the long run, chronic hyperglycemia will lead to hyper insulinemia, a chronic inflammatory state (a “chronic fire”), an increase in triglycerides and therefore weight gain. “I’m getting bigger and bigger”
Faced with insulin resistance, it is urgent to react.
Syndrome X, Cardiovascular pathologies, Type 2 diabetes are the complications.
A balanced diet and appropriate physical activity will be the bases. But may not be enough in the event of insulin resistance. The HOMA test is the reliable test for diagnosing insulin resistance. Indeed, we can observe normal blood sugar levels on a blood test and yet the patient may suffer from insulin resistance.
Thus, as part of the diagnosis of insulin resistance, it is essential to be supported by a nutritionist health professional equipped with phytomicronutrition.
Severe hypothyroidism/Hypothyroidism
The cause: micronutrient deficiencies, chronic stress, emotional shocks, hyper-permeable intestine, repeated strict diets.
Hypothyroidism requires holistic support involving complementary tools: general medicine, nutrition, phytomicronutrition, management emotional;
Why support holistic?
The thyroid gland must be “well-fed”
Tyrosine, micronutrients such as iodine, zinc, iron, molybdenum, selenium (metabolic cofactor of T4 to T3 in the liver), vitamin D3 (etc.) are essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. But to date, we observe, in many patients, deficiencies or hyperdeficiencies in certain micronutrients…
The cause: refined, unbalanced diet, depleted soil, hyper-permeable intestine (which leads to malabsorption of micronutrients), chronic stress, strict diets, etc.
Let us remember that the thyroid gland requires intestinal and hepatic health (liver: major organ for the transformation of T4 into T3, optimal and not to be deficient in certain nutrients and micronutrients…
Other factors can induce hypothyroidism:
- Chronic stress impacts the thyroid gland, by diverting the T4 to T3 pathway towards T3r, which is inactive. Hypothyroidism will follow;
- Heavy metal poisoning.
Thus, as part of the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, holistic support will be essential.
Hypoestrogenism and hyperestrogenism
Menopause is a natural metabolic milestone, leading to a decrease in estrogen and an increase in testosterone. This change will often be the cause of abdominal weight gain, of the android type. This weight gain will be aggravated by an unbalanced diet, low in fiber, rich in carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. Insulin resistance may result.
Dietary rebalancing and appropriate phytomicronutritional support (phytohormones, plants targeting insulin resistance) will be essential for weight loss.
Hyperestrogenism affects mainly women, but due to disruptors endocrine, also men.
The clinical picture is as follows:
- Gynoid type morphotype and weight gain;
- Early first period;
- Bleeding periods;
- Water retention.
Management will be essential, in order to regain hormonal balance (and consequently a healthy weight) and to prevent hormone-dependent pathologies (hormone-dependent cancers, endometriosis).
Will be proposed:
- An anti-inflammatory and hypotoxic diet (limited in pesticides, additives), rich in phytohormones (e.g. organic flax seeds). Note that the phytohormones of flax seeds (lignans) will not be activated if the intestine suffers from dysbiosis;
- Work on the intestine+liver duo. It actively intervenes in estrogenic balance, by eliminating excess estrogen;
- Weight loss. It will subsequently be important to detoxify the body. Indeed, adipose tissue stores excess estrogen. Weight loss will cause a release of triglycerides and estrogen into the bloodstream;
- Liver detoxification if taking the pill/IUD;
- Taking certain categories of phyto-hormones.
Thus, as part of the diagnosis of hyperestrogenism, holistic support will be essential. And on the basis of a dietary rebalancing, the phytomicronutrion will be a valuable help.
Metabolic acidosis
Acid-base balance
A acid is a molecule that releases hydrogen ions (of formula H+) in solution. A base is a molecule that captures H+ ions in solution. The plasma pH is very finely regulated around a slightly alkaline value of 7.4. When the pH moves away from this normal value, we speak acidosis (pH<7.38) or alkalosis (pH>7.42). There are two types of acids: volatile acids or acids weak, which, once metabolized by the body, result in the formation of carbon dioxide CO2 eliminated by the lungs. And fixed acids or strong acids (not eliminable by the lungs) will be eliminated by the kidneys.
Noticed : acid and acidifier are two different terms. The composition of alkalizing minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, etc.) or acidifying minerals (chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, silica, etc.) is of great importance. For example, sour-tasting lemon is an alkalizing food, meats or cheeses with a non-acidic taste are acidifying.
Thus, a balanced, diversified and varied ration promotes a good acid-base balance. !
How does the body regulate acid-base balance?
- THE buffer systems (bicarbonates, etc.), are immediate mechanisms that make it possible to modulate the pH variations.
- THE lungs, which enable to eliminate volatile acids by the phenomena of ventilation.
- THE kidneys, slower to put in place, which make it possible to eliminate fixed acids and regenerate plasma bicarbonate.
The acid-base balance is the result of inputs (food + metabolism) and exits (via the lungs and kidneys) of acids and bases. Thus, any imbalance at the input level (metabolic and/or dietary disorders) or exits (diseases pulmonary and/or renal), promotes imbalance, most often more or less significant acidosis.
Chronic low-level acidosis
Imagine: your body finds itself in metabolic acidosis. “Your organs are immersed in a bath of acid.” Refined, hypertoxic diet, hypermeasurable intestine, excessive fasting, chronic stress, intensive sport, strict diets, are all factors that can induce metabolic acidosis. The body urgently wants to restore the acid-base balance. If mineral intake is insufficient, the body will draw them from the buffer systems: bone tissue, hair, etc. And demineralization sets in. Chronic cramps, chronic fatigue, resistance to weight loss will follow.
Metabolic acidosis represents one of the evils of our time. It is the bed of disease and represents one of the obstacles to weight loss.
The answer will be in dietary readjustments, emotional detoxification, detoxification physiological, demineralization. And make sure to maintain a healthy intestine.
Different tools such as micronutrition, phytotherapy, gemmotherapy, etc., will support this support.
Chronic stress, insulin resistance, metabolic acidosis, hypo and hyperestrogenism, intestinal candidiasis, are all factors that can slow down or even prevent weight loss.
If, despite a controlled dietary rebalancing, you are unable to lose weight, and one of these factors concerns you: above all, avoid strict or even dangerous diets! It is essential to call on a suitable health professional, with a holistic approach.