Fight against winter infections

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Each winter brings its share of infections: colds, bronchitis, flu…
However, there are simple actions to adopt and tips to prevent these infections.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

Why are we more prone to infections in winter?

The immune system corresponds to all of the body’s defense mechanisms.
There are two types: innate and acquired.
The triggering of the immune system in response to an illness is called an immune response.

Among these means of defense, we have natural barriers: mucous membranes of the nose, gastric secretons, intestinal flora (2/3 of immunity)…

As soon as the first cold weather arrives, with our fast pace of life as well as changes in temperature and humidity, the body is subjected to a lot of aggression and stress. Viruses and bacteria are present in greater quantities in the environment and with fatigue, we are more prone to small infections and viruses of the moment (colds, flu, etc.). A dietary imbalance, the lack of certain vitamins, minerals and/or trace elements and the body is weakened. Hence the importance of taking care of yourself!

We can naturally help our body fight against all these aggressors by strengthening your immune defenses. Physical and mental health are directly linked to diet and sleep. It is also important to combat stress.

A balanced diet and quality sleep are the guarantees of high fitness and morale. Here’s how to eat well, maintain quality sleep and fight stress effectively.

winter infection

Eat well to strengthen our immune barriers naturally

Where can you find all the essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements essential to strengthen your immune system?

For to be at our best, we need to eat when we have hunger and stop as soon as you are full. It’s important to divide your intake into 3 meals, consume at regular times.

He It is important to eat a variety of foods in order to provide body all the nutrients it needs to function properly!


They are all necessary for our functioning. These are proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements and fiber.

  • THE Proteins represent 12 to 14% of our intake and are used for the construction and renewal of the tissues of our body. The best assimilated proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

100 g of meat = 18 g of protein = 100 g of fish or poultry or offal = 2 eggs = 4 yogurts or 70 g of Emmental = 200 g of cheese white

  • Lipids represent 30 to 35% of our intake and are used for the proper functioning of our cells. Lipids provide a lot of calories, but are essential for the functioning of vital organs. Vary the sources of fat (butter, crème fraîche and especially vegetable oils, etc.).

It is our main source of energy.

40g of starch = 75g of bread (1/3 of a baguette) = 50g of rusks (approximately 5 rusks) = 50g of flour = 200g of potatoes = 150 to 170g of cooked pasta = 220 to 230g cooked dried vegetables

Vitamins and trace elements

They do not provide calories but are essential to the body. The body generally does not know how to produce them, so they must be provided through a varied diet. We find so-called fat-soluble vitamins (in fats): vitamins A, D, E, K. And so-called water-soluble vitamins (in the water contained in foods): group B and C vitamins.

The minerals

There are many minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium…

THE calcium plays an important role in bone growth and mineralization, neuromuscular excitability, blood clotting and heart rate control.
It is mainly found in dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, faisselle, hard cheese (Emmental, Comté, etc.), soft cheese (Camembert, etc.).

THE potassium East important for muscle contraction and building fabrics.
It is found in coffee, cocoa, yeast, dried fruits and oleaginous fruits.

THE magnesium is useful for muscle excitability.
It is found in chocolate, cocoa, coffee, wheat germ, dried fruits and oilseeds, cereals.



They are necessary for life and the proper functioning of our body. Just like minerals and trace elements, vitamins provide no calories. These are molecules active in very small quantities and whose deficiencies can cause serious illnesses or dysfunctions. They are classified into two categories:

THE fat-soluble vitamins: vitamins A, D, E, K.

  • Vitamin A useful for vision. Found in eggs, fatty foods (cream, butter, whole milk, cheeses), vegetables and colorful fruits.
  • Vitamin D useful in calcium metabolism. Found in egg yolk, whole milk, butter, fatty fish, cheeses.
  • Vitamin E has an antioxidant role. Found in oils and wheat germ.
  • Vitamin K has an anticoagulant role. Found in leafy vegetables, tomatoes.

THE water-soluble vitamins: vitamins of group B and C.

  • Vitamin B has a role in the metabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates. Found in cereals, pulses, vegetables, yeast, beer, offal, plants, eggs, liver.
  • Vitamin C has a role in immunity, anti-fatigue and its ability to promote the absorption of iron provided by vegetables and pulses.. Found in vegetables, fruits and liver.

Trace elements

They are present in very small quantities in our body but their role is major since they are involved in numerous metabolic reactions.

Here are the main ones:

  • The iron helps deliver oxygen to the entire body; Without sufficient iron intake, there is a lack of oxygen: we are tired, out of breath with the slightest effort, and also vulnerable to infections. Iron is found in offal, meat, black pudding, poultry, egg yolk, shellfish, crustaceans; wheat germ, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), green vegetables, dried fruits (dates, raisins), oilseed fruits, whole grain products.
  • The copper contributes to the good quality of cartilage and bones, facilitates the absorption of iron and the fight against infections. Copper is found in yeast, dried fruits and oilseeds, wheat germ, offal, crustaceans, shellfish.
  • Iodine is very useful in particular for the thyroid, and is used to produce various hormones, including thyroxine. Iodine is found in marine algae, smoked herring, crustaceans, shellfish, seawater fish, watercress, cabbage.
  • Manganese is essential for the effectiveness of vitamin B1 and concentration functions. It is found in whole grains, oilseed fruits, watercress, cabbage, celery, pineapples, blackberries, blueberries.
  • Selenium participates in the functioning of an enzyme which destroys free radicals (anti-oxidant which fights against aging) and strengthens the immune system. It is mainly found in meat and seafood.
  • Zinc allows cell renewal, strengthens the immune system, health of bones, skin, nails, and reproductive organs. Foods rich in zinc are oysters, offal, shellfish, egg yolk, whole grains, vegetables.
  • Dietary fiber are substances of plant origin which escape digestion in the small intestine of healthy humans. They are found in cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables and also algae. They play a major role in nutritional balance and metabolism, the regulation of intestinal transit, and the control of food intake through the satiety effect they generate. 1g of fiber = 0 kcal

All these nutrients are brought to uss by THE 7 food familiesthat we must consume every day to be and stay in shape!

food pyramid

Food supplements and herbal medicine

There spirulina : green algae with many virtues.

THE propolis: It is a substance collected by bees: it comes from a mixture of beeswax, resin and pollen, thus providing trace elements and vitamins. It has antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral and anti-infectious properties and helps to strengthen the body’s natural resistance, particularly in the winter season.

THE ginseng : It is a Chinese plant which has toning properties and which improves immune functions.

We are finally talking here about the ingredients of food supplements and not about assembly like PhenQ Or Brulafine.

Check that your vaccinations are up to date!

Strengthen your intestinal barrier by taking care of your intestinal flora!

Our intestinal flora is made up of billions of “good” bacteria which form an ecosystem essential to maintaining good health. Normally, this cocktail of bacteria acts as a barrier against external attacks.

But it can happen that stress, medications, diet unbalanced or simple aging, disrupts the balance of the intestinal flora.

THE probiotics consumed regularly and in sufficient quantities help the intestinal flora to fight against factors of disruption.

Probiotics: are living microorganisms that can temporarily colonize our intestine. These are bacteria such as bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, lactococci and yeasts such as saccharomycetes.

They are found in fermented milk products such as yogurts (Lactophilus bulgaricus and Streptoccocus thermophilus), cheese, cabbage preparations (sauerkraut, etc.).

Prebiotics: are generally oligosaccharides or polysaccharides.

There Cellulose, for example, is a very long chain of glucose.

They are found naturally in: garlic, onions, asparagus, artichokes, bananas, wheat and rye, chicory, Jerusalem artichokes and leeks which contain a particular prebiotic called inulin.

If you want to know more about probiotics and prebiotics:

You now have all the cards to take care of yourself and effectively fight infections!