[Article updated on 19/09/2023]
Milk has always been part of our diet. He is appreciated in different forms and consumed in different ways, but many wonder today if it makes you gain weight. Discover information interesting on a beverage with multiple virtues.
The composition of milk
Milk is an edible beverage produced by mammals. Generally speaking, when we talk about this drink, we are generically talking about cow’s milk.
The macronutrients it contains are distributed as follows:
- 43% carbohydrates or lactose;
- 29% lipids, including a majority of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol;
- 28% protein.
It contains:
- 12% nutritional intake;
- 25% recommended vitamin intake.
The different types of milk
You will find several types of milk on the shelves. Their differences lie in the heat treatments they have undergone and their fat content:
- Whole: at least 3.5 g/L of fat;
- Semi-skimmed: between 1.5 and 1.8%/L;
- Skimmed: less than 0.5% / L;
- Raw: subject to any treatment except refrigeration after milking;
- Fresh micro filtered;
- Fresh pasteurized: heated to 72°C for 15 seconds before being cooled to less than 6°C;
- Sterilized: heated to 115°C before being cooled;
- UHT sterilized: heated to 140°C for 2 seconds.
To vary the pleasures, milk can also undergo different interesting transformations or additions:
- Addition of nutrients, proteins, vitamins, minerals and others;
- Change in lactose level;
- Adding a flavor;
- Organic milk;
- Condensed milk: sweetened or not;
- In dehydrated or powdered form;
- Specifically formulated for children: complex recipes especially for infants and young children.
Milk, a very rich
Milk contains several nutrients essential for body :
- Proteins participate in the formation and repair of body tissues. Bones, muscles and even antibodies in need for their good health;
- Vitamin A contributes to good health bones and teeth;
- Vitamin B12 helps in the formation of blood cells red;
- Vitamin B6 converts food into energy and participates in the tissue regeneration mechanism;
- Vitamin D improves calcium absorption and phosphorus;
- Calcium promotes the formation and maintaining healthy bones and teeth;
- Magnesium contributes to bone health, but also participates in the conversion of food into energy.
Milk also provides zinc, selenium, potassium, pantothenic acids, thiamine, niacin and riboflavin.
Consuming foods rich in calcium like milk would help you lose weight. Researchers say that the mode of consumption is the key point of the desired result: gaining or losing weight.
Does milk make you gain weight or lose weight?
Milk to lose weight
Many researchers suggest that consuming milk regularly would help you lose weight. Indeed, it contains nicotinamide riboside, an anti-obesity agent which would limit weight gain while stimulating muscles.
Milk to gain weight
There are also certain hypotheses that milk contains fats and that they are responsible for weight gain. Of the research carried out in the United States has proven that drink more 3 glasses daily increases an individual’s weight by 35%.
Nutritionists advise underweight people to drink large glasses of whole or semi-skimmed milk in addition to other highly nutritious. A glass of whole milk provides 60 more calories compared to one glass of skimmed milk.
The dangers of consumption excessive
Swedish research concludes that milk consumed in excess is harmful to health. According to the results of studies carried out, women drinking more than three glasses of milk per day are more likely to suffer from fractures. 90% of statistics prove that consumption can also be a cause of death.
On the other hand, women who consume a lot of cheese and Fermented milk products have a lower mortality and fracture rate important.
Moderate consumption
Is there a correct way to consume milk? Yes ! Nutritionists advise varying products instead of relying on focus on raw cow’s milk.
They also advise consuming other milk-based products daily to balance calcium levels and avoid inconveniences. Yogurt, cheese, butter or even cream are derivatives which provide more or less the same nutrients.
This food with many virtues is the essential companion of a balanced diet. Its derivative products have similar qualities and are presented in different forms.
An essential food or not?
Thanks to its benefits and the nutrients contained in milk, you can hardly banish it from your diet. However, those intolerant of this product pushed researchers to find alternatives to fill the gap lack.
In some recipes for example, it is replaced by milk from coconut, oilseed purees or even soy cream.
Thanks to its richness in nutrients, the egg also represents a excellent substitute. In a cake for example, it can just as easily make a crispy and creamy dough. Although it is essential for good growth and maintenance of health, milk can harm metabolism and promotes weight gain if consumed without moderation. It is therefore important to respect the daily quantity of 3 glasses per day maximum and to replace from time to time with substitutes like soy cream or egg.