Examples of menus during pregnancy

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

You are pregnant ? This period is synonymous with change and upheaval. This also applies to your diet. To help you find a pregnant woman’s menu, I’m going to offer you my ideas!

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

It is essential to eat well during pregnancy. Indeed, the female body must offer the unborn baby all the necessary elements so that development goes as smoothly as possible.

What menu to choose for a pregnant woman?

Here are four essential recommendations for eating well during pregnancy:

  • Eat three meals each day, paying attention to your hunger;
  • Have two or three snacks every day if you are hungry;
  • Eat a wide variety of foods including vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods and protein foods;
  • And finally, eat regularly.

Above all, you should not restrict yourself. This is even more true during the first weeks of pregnancy when the embryo measures only a few millimeters. It is during this period that the future mother welcomes reserves of fats, iron and proteins into her body. Obviously, also be careful not to overeat. Make sure you eat healthy and balanced.

Ideas for 3 days of menus

Are you lacking ideas for your menus for pregnant women? Here are some menus that I follow regularly. You will definitely find your favorite pregnant woman menu after reading my ideas!

Day 1: menus for the day

Ideas for breakfast: four rusks with butter and jam, natural yogurt, seasonal fruit and tea or coffee.

Ideas for lunch: green salad, plain omelette, ratatouille and ratatouille rice, fromage blanc with red fruit coulis.

Ideas for a pregnant woman’s evening menu: radishes, well-cooked salmon steak, chard gratin (cousins ​​of spinach) and seasonal fruit.

Day 2: menus of the day

Breakfast ideas: a glass of milk, four cereal biscuits, 100% fruit juice and tea or coffee.

Ideas for lunch: tomatoes stuffed with meat, brown rice, cantal (you can afford to eat cheese but in small quantities) and bread + a seasonal fruit.

Ideas for the evening: penne (pasta) with basil, natural yogurt and seasonal fruit.

Day 3: menus for the day

Ideas for breakfast: two toasts with butter, fromage blanc, pure apple juice, tea or coffee.

Ideas for lunch: tomato and green bean salad, rabbit with olives, pasta, natural yogurt and seasonal fruit.

Ideas for the evening: lentil soup (which are full of iron and are excellent for your health), emmental and bread without forgetting a compote.

What foods are prohibited during pregnancy?

Eating certain foods and stimulants can do a lot of harm to the baby. Indeed, toxic elements or a food infection in the mother can cause harmful effects on the baby.

What to absolutely avoid in a pregnant woman’s menu

Certain foods should be absolutely avoided. Here is a list of the latter: raw or half-cooked eggs, raw or uncooked meat (steaks, steak tartare or even roast beef), raw ham and raw cold meats (prosciutto and salami) or even cheeses with raw milk and cheeses. soft cheeses (camembert and washed rind cheeses). Also be sure to avoid raw and smoked fish (sushi and smoked salmon). Concerning plant foods (fruits, vegetables and salads), be sure to wash them well before consuming them.

Dairy products and eggs

These products should be avoided during pregnancy, especially dairy products made with raw milk. The latter can have listeria and cause food poisoning of bacterial origin. When you’re shopping, look for the words “made from raw milk” or not. When products are unpackaged on the counter or offered on the market, I strongly recommend that you ask (as a precaution) for details.

Also do not consume the following soft cheeses, even if they have been made with pasteurized or heat-treated milk. Here they are: soft cheeses, such as Camembert or Brie, all blue cheeses, without forgetting washed-rind cheeses (Harzer Roller for example). Regarding matured hard cheeses, they are made from heat-treated milk. So, they are not harmful. However, be sure to remove the crust.

Be sure to only eat hard-boiled eggs. Indeed, raw or half-cooked eggs can contain salmonella. Do not consume food products that are made from raw eggs. Here is what you should avoid at this level: boiled eggs, fried eggs, desserts, tiramisu, mayonnaise, pastries or even sauces.

Meat and charcuterie

Also set aside offal (e.g. liver and kidneys), since these can be full of harmful elements. They also include vitamin A. Used in too large quantities during pregnancy, it can cause growth problems and skin, liver and eye damage in children. I advise you to eat other types of meat, since they are cooked carefully. Do not eat raw meat dishes either, such as steaks, steak tartare, raw minced pork or even roast beef. I also recommend that you do not turn to raw ham or raw cold meats, such as prosciutto (prosciutto from pork originating in Italy) or salami.

These foods can cause toxoplasmosis. It is an infectious disease caused by parasites, often found in raw meat. A primary infection via toxoplasmosis can be harmful for the baby. Indeed, this can cause a miscarriage, mainly during the first third of the pregnancy. If the mother’s toxoplasmosis infection was discovered before pregnancy, the baby is normally not at risk. The latter is then protected by the maternal immune system. However, be careful and be careful not to eat this type of butchery product raw.

Leave out raw food products of animal origin

Raw food products of animal origin should generally be avoided. This will help you avoid the risk of food infections. Raw products of animal origin, such as for example meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, can give rise to parasites such as the pathogen toxoplasmosis, or bacteria such as listeria. And obviously, this can have harmful effects for the unborn child.

Additionally, hormonal changes during pregnancy degrade your immune system and make you weaker to infections, such as toxoplasmosis and listeriosis. During a mother/child medical examination, a test allows you to see if you have already been affected by toxoplasmosis.

Vegetables, fruits and salad

As already said a little above, food products of plant origin that have not been cooked before use (same thing for herbs) must be washed thoroughly, in order to prevent possible infection.

What snacks for a pregnant woman?

If you want to have a snack, I recommend eating some fruit, some yogurt or applesauce. Other interesting possibilities: a glass of milk or a few almonds. You can also eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods as well as proteins.

Fresh fruit at glycemic index down

Here is a possible list of fresh fruits with a low glycemic index: apple, banana, peach and apricots. Make sure to eat seasonal fruits! In addition, they offer fiber, which is an excellent point since transit is slower during pregnancy.

Cchocolate bars for a snack

Be careful, I’m only talking about a few squares here and no more! Consuming chocolate helps combat sugar cravings. However, be careful: take dark chocolate!

Dried fruits if you have a pregnancy craving

Here are three interesting possibilities: raisins, dried figs and dates. These dried fruits are extremely filling and have multiple strengths. On the other hand, restrict the consumption of these because some are naturally very sweet.

What fruit to avoid during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is essential to monitor your diet.


Some people say that pineapple could cause miscarriage if consumed too much in the first three months of pregnancy. The cause of this phenomenon is called bromelain. This is an element present in pineapple. Although there is a real absence of studies on the subject, the majority have been carried out in animals. Currently, no link has been established between bromelain and pregnancy.


The scientific literature has still not uncovered a link between eating crab and miscarriage. This cultural belief is extremely famous among mothers of Chinese origin. However, it is entirely possible to eat crab during pregnancy.


Papaya is popular in India for abortions and in Malaysia as a contraceptive solution. However, studies and observations have only been carried out in animals (rats more precisely). Thus, little is known about the consequences on pregnant women.


Ginseng could cause a hormonal effect on the body, which would have the negative consequence during pregnancy of triggering uterine contractions. Possible consequences: miscarriage or premature birth.

Pregnant women’s menu: What drinks should you avoid during pregnancy?

On this point, there is no possible debate: water is the best possible drink. Fruit and vegetable juices, broths, soups and milk also play a positive role in total water intake. However, take into account that there are restrictions on coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks. The reason ? They have caffeine. Concerning herbal teas, there are contraindications for pregnant women in relation to certain plants.

Caffeine optimizes the nervous system of women and fetuses. Used in too large a quantity, this element can cause palpitations and nervousness as well as degrade the quality of sleep. From now on, you can easily compose your pregnant menu!