Examples of healthy menus

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Eating healthy allows your body to benefit from multiple benefits. However, not everyone necessarily knows how to put together a healthy menu. That’s why I’m here to help you.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

We are in an era where we are more and more attentive to what we eat. So, don’t be surprised if I tell you that I favor homemade products and that I am extremely careful with purchased products!

The confinements linked to the Coronavirus have allowed many people to refocus on the essentials, to take advantage of the remaining time to look at the foods they eat, how to cook them and consume them in a healthier way.

For my part, these confinements gave me the opportunity to turn to healthy cuisine, which is not just healthy cuisine. A so-called “healthy” cuisine is a personal cuisine. So, you have to savor it and feel it. Discover the different steps that will allow you to enjoy a healthy experience. What’s better than eating well? The indulgence of mind and body begins now!

What is healthy eating?

Before eating healthy, I’m going to tell you everything there is to know about this practice!

Above all, you need to know yourself and eat a balanced diet!

The most important thing in healthy cooking is that it comes from you and no one else. You will need to listen to what your body is telling you, your needs and be aware of what you have on the plate. Every individual has different tastes. Others prefer savory while others prefer sweet. Don’t worry: it is possible to adapt healthy menus. All tastes are present in nature: take advantage of them!

This is why you must provide your body with everything it needs. You must respect your needs for proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. This is an essential foundation to keep every day. Healthy does not mean “stopping sugar and fat”, but means switching to “good sugar and good fats”.

Eating healthy means eating a healthy daily diet with the right nutrients that the body requires. I will now tell you what proteins, sugars and lipids you can allow yourself for healthy cooking.

Eat healthy and varied

The most important thing is to have fun. Healthy does not rhyme with deprivation. The goal is to find the best possible compromise between eating healthy and eating well. So, a varied diet is necessary!

Between vegetables, fruits, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, you have everything you need to delight your taste buds (don’t hesitate to go on the web and test the recipes that inspire you), and offer your body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs.

After wealth, you should turn to foods with a low glycemic index (which means almost no bad sugars that store without providing energy). This type of food optimizes reconnection with food sensations and helps fight fatigue.

Eat only healthy, seasonal foods. We must keep in mind that nature is perfect. Seasonal fruits and vegetables (spring/summer) are perfect for current nutritional needs. In addition, they are abundant in anti-oxidants, fiber and minerals. There is nothing better for your body and your taste buds. Go for local fruits that haven’t traveled on boats for long periods of time.

List of foods for a healthy plate

  • Carbohydrates: quinoa (a pseudo-cereal with multiple benefits), whole or semi-whole pasta, whole or semi-whole rice, potatoes and sweet potatoes;
  • Legumes: chickpeas, beans, lentils and soya (legume with many benefits);
  • Cooked vegetables: zucchini, carrots, eggplant, leeks… change depending on the season!
  • Good fats: seeds and oilseeds (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.), sardines, mackerel, salmon, avocado, olive or avocado oil;
  • And finally, spices and herbs: curry, cinnamon, thyme, cumin or even oregano (preferably enjoyed from May to September).

Well-being and listening

No one knows your body and its needs better than you. So, if you want to eat healthy, the most important thing is to choose a healthy, delicious diet with a perfect balance. Listen to yourself!

Now you know how to make a healthy plate. Do not hesitate to treat yourself, listen to all your sensations of food, hunger and satiety and offer your body the right nutritional and delicious riches.

Ideas for 3 days of healthy menus

Are you lacking ideas for your healthy menus? Here are some menus that I follow regularly!

Day 1: menus for the day

Here for breakfast: homemade compote and 0% yogurt

Here for lunch: veggie lasagna and two clementines

Here’s for the evening: pumpkin soup and goat cheese toast.

Day 2: menus of the day

Here for breakfast: banana, hazelnut and chocolate porridge

Here’s for lunch: pasta with shrimp, tea and a handful of almonds

Here’s for dinner: pancakes with zucchini and sweet potato fries.

Day 3: menus for the day

Here for breakfast: banana mug cake and oatmeal

Here for lunch: salmon mushroom pasta and two clementines

Here’s for dinner: roasted vegetables and mozzarella.

How to have a healthy diet?

In order to eat healthy, it is essential to say goodbye to industrial products. So, the first thing to do is to say goodbye to sugary drinks (soda and industrial fruit juices). Replace these with water. Then, consume fresh, raw and preferably seasonal products. Make sure you cook a minimum amount every day and stop eating prepared meals and fast foods.

Change products abundant in saturated fat in your preparations. For example, choose vegetable oils instead of butter. The crème fraîche can be replaced with soy cream or tomato sauce. Same thing with nutella (one of the worst products), change with hazelnut or peanut puree. However, don’t deprive yourself to avoid snacking and major cracking.

Remember to hydrate well by drinking 1.5 liters of water every day. Stop refined sugars by replacing them with honey, agave syrup, maple syrup and whole sugar. Turn to vegetables and fruits as much as possible. Include animal or plant-based proteins in all your meals. These are filling and you need them to avoid terrible cravings.

Does eating healthy make you lose weight?

Nutrient-abundant foods are those that have a high level of nutrients, relative to the number of calories present. By integrating these foods into your diet, it is possible to increase the amount of nutrients while lowering your calorie intake.

A multitude of recent studies prove that the increase in the consumption of foods abundant in water and fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, have an essential role in significant weight loss, even when individuals should not restrict their calories.

In addition, these foods are included in an anti-inflammatory diet, which seems to be relevant for losing weight. However, even if you want to lose weight, it is essential to maintain a sufficient intake of quality fats, mainly essential fatty acids. You will be able to include foods that are abundant in calories, but which are also abundant in nutrients.

How to eat in a healthy way And slim down ?

In order to concoct your healthy products, I recommend that you use vegetable oils such as olive or coconut oil to heat all of your healthy foods. I also advise you to use rapeseed oil, abundant in omega 3 for seasoning. Slow and gentle steam-style cooking is perfect for retaining all of the nutritional highlights of your food. Indeed, the more food experiences high temperatures, the more it deteriorates.

Consider adding crunch to your salads by incorporating pumpkin seeds, which I personally love. Head for soups, smoothies, juices and fresh, seasonal fruits. All of these foods are perfectly healthy and part of a healthy diet. For spices, you also have the choice: turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper or even nutmeg.

Where to buy healthy products?

The best thing to do is to buy healthy, organic and healthy products from local producers. There are obviously a host of other options such as markets, organic stores or even specialized websites. Avoid supermarkets or head towards the organic sections of these types of stores if you want to put together a healthy menu.

The market is a great option because it also saves money. Not far from your home, there is bound to be a fruit and vegetable market. Enjoy! There are markets that even sell fish. In these types of places, you will inevitably find fresh products that are excellent for the body. In addition, your wallet will suffer much less than in a supermarket. Eating well and balanced often, unfortunately, costs more. So, use tips and good plans.

My last tip: if you want to save even more, I recommend that you go to the market just before it closes. It is at this moment that sellers do everything to sell their stock. So, they often lower their prices.