What foods should you choose in the evening to lose weight?

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

If you want to lose weight, you need to be extremely careful about what you eat at the end of the day. So, what to eat in the evening to lose weight?

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I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

I always wonder what should you eat in the evening to lose weight quickly? In order to achieve this, it is necessary to opt for a balanced meal every evening. This means that we must leave aside foods that are too sweet and too fatty and replace them with light dishes.

What rslimming recipes I choose for evening ?

Here are four interesting recipe ideas for eating in the evening.

Vegetable soup rich

For this recipe, three potatoes, two carrots, an onion and half a leek will be needed to concoct this varied vegetable soup. Start by cutting the vegetables into cubes before putting them to boil. When they are cooked as desired, add olive oil and a zest of salt. Then eat your meal right away.


You don’t know what to enjoy in the evening to lose weight during the summer season? To make your summer evenings cooler, I recommend that you try gazpacho. In order to make this soup for a balanced evening meal, here is what is needed: peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, lemon juice, salt, pepper and olive oil. Then, put it all together to have a magnificent preparation optimized with fiber and vitamins. Finally, in order to enhance the flavor of this low-calorie recipe, I include very fresh basil.

Salmon on a bed of lentils

What to eat in the evening to lose weight and if I want to eat fish? I recommend salmon, a “fatty” fish but perfect for a balanced diet. To prepare this ideal evening dish, here is what you need: salmon fillet, brown rice and coral lentils. Steam your fish while preparing it alongside the rice and lentils. To enhance the flavor of this light dish, I recommend that you include the following: fresh dill, parsley and curry.

Provençal-style poultry escalope

Here is an ideal dish to eat in the evening to lose weight. With it, you can enjoy a real taste journey. To prepare a Provençal-style poultry escalope, here is what you will need: a turkey or chicken escalope, vegetables (spinach, carrots, onions or even sweet potatoes), without forgetting the herbs of Provence. When cooking meat, I opt for herbs and I steam the vegetables. Help yourself afterwards.

What are the foods that I avoid in the evening to lose weight?

There are foods that should absolutely be avoided in the evening so as not to optimize weight gain. These foods can also degrade the quality of your sleep by complicating digestion. Keep in mind that even when you sleep, the body does not sleep! Many physiological processes happen during the night. So, I never eat unsuitable foods because it could harm my body and cause sleep problems and excessive fat storage. Poor quality sleep impacts weight gain.

Discover the foods not to eat in the evening if you want to lose weight: industrial foods, processed foods, cereals, refined breads, heavy dishes, sugar, sugary products, saturated fats, butter, cream, cheese products, coffee, alcoholic drinks and sodas.

What to eat in the evening to avoid gaining weight?

For my evening meal, it must always respect the following three rules:

  • Do not promote storage in order to avoid any weight gain;
  • Provide the nutrients necessary for the body, while contributing to good quality sleep;
  • Be easily digestible, so that the digestive system is not the victim of “overload”.

This is why it is essential to eat a balanced meal in the evening.

My meal must meet the following points

First of all, it must have a lot of vegetables, especially if they are green. Indeed, the B group vitamins they contain are very good for the nervous system. In terms of quantity, count 200 to 250 grams. Then, it must have complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, this could be whole grain rice, or whole grain pasta. They must optimize the quality of falling asleep and be good for the brain. I count 100 to 125 grams for these.

I also often include a nice portion of fruit. This can be fresh fruit (raw or cooked). The latter are abundant in magnesium, which helps reduce stress and tension. Don’t also forget foods abundant in tryptophan and low in calories: they optimize sleep, without being heavy on the scale. Thus, it is possible to turn to a lean dairy product. For my part, most of the time I choose yogurt or cottage cheese.

Do not turn to a significant intake of animal proteins since they stimulate the body, in the same way as red meat. Obviously, avoid fats, especially if they are saturated. Caloric and long to digest, they can also degrade the quality of sleep and contribute to weight gain. This is why I always avoid cold meats, mature cheeses, sauces or even fried foods when I eat in the evening. Last point: focus on water in the evening!

Do not eat in the evening is not relevant compared to weight loss

In addition, the concept of intermittent fasting does not have proven effects on weight loss.

The perverse effects of intermittent fasting: if you do not eat in the evening when you are hungry, there is a risk that you will wake up in the morning very hungry and eat too large a breakfast. Typically, when I get up at night to eat, it’s because my empty stomach woke me up. My sleep was simply disturbed. In any case, now you know that eating in the evening to lose weight!