With summer vegetables, there’s plenty of color, vitamins, fiber… and very few calories!

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Colorful, full of sunshine, rich in water, minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc.), vitamins (C, carotene, beta carotene, etc.) and fiber…

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

They should be consumed without moderation, especially as their effects on health and particularly in terms of prevention of cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

They are also very good natural tan preparers and real slimming benefits!

These are the vegetables of the sun such as tomato, zucchini, cucumber or eggplant but also radishes, artichokes, fennel, green beans, garlic and onion.

They add color to our plates and allow us to vary the flavors!

So grab your baskets!

Who are they and what are their health benefits?

Hydration, vitamins, minerals, fiber (good for regular transit).

The tomato

Rich in water (95%) and low in calories (20 kcal per 100g). It promotes the elimination of toxins through its richness in minerals and trace elements.

Contains vitamins C (19 mg/100 g), E (0.38 mg/100 g) and A (623 mg/100 g) with anti-oxidant power, its richness in lycopene (carotenoid) makes it a vegetable of choice to fight against certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. It stimulates the production of melanin which prepares the skin for tanning in good conditions.

Tasted as a starter, the acidity of the tomato stimulates the secretion of digestive juices which prepare for better assimilation of the meal.

The pepper

It stimulates intestinal transit with its very high fiber content (2 g/100 g) and has a fairly low energy intake of 21 kcal/100 g. Its vitamin C content (126 mg/100 g) covers 75% of daily needs with only 50 g of vegetable consumed.

The pepper, especially when it is red, contains a large quantity of carotene type pigments (provitamin A) which allows you to tan more easily, helps to fight against cell aging and the formation of tumors and flavonoid (vitamin P) which increases the effects of vitamin C and the tone of the capillaries, resulting in an improvement in blood circulation.

negative calorie foods

Zucchini against hypertension

Low in calories, rich in water (95%), it provides a significant quantity of minerals: a lot of potassium (230 mg) whose effect is recognized against hypertension, but also phosphorus, magnesium (anti-stress) and calcium. The antioxidant property of its vitamins C, B3 and provitamin A helps fight high cholesterol levels and reduce the number of cancers and cataracts. Provitamin A also improves night vision.

A high soft cellulosic fiber content (1.5 g/100 g instead of 0.5 g for a small vegetable). which facilitate intestinal transit and used to cure ulcers and gastritis.

Eggplant against cholesterol!

Low in calories, rich in magnesium, zinc and potassium (260 mg/100) which gives it significant diuretic power. Eggplant is an essential component of the Cretan diet recognized as effective in combating cardiovascular diseases. Some of its components limit the production of bad cholesterol.

Cucumber, the champion of minerals!

Very low in calories and rich in water (96%), making it a very thirst-quenching food in summer. Its richness in minerals such as potassium (150 mg/100 g), phosphorus (23 mg/100 g) and calcium (19 mg/100 g) makes it extremely diuretic and depurative. It is also well supplied with fiber which facilitates intestinal transit.

Its pepsin content makes it very digestible. It also has a good range of B vitamins and its skin contains provitamins A and vitamins E which help delay skin aging.

The artichoke

Very low in calories and full of copper, essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin and the production of collagen, it is also a considerable source of vitamin B9 which promotes the good development of the fetus, and of vitamin K which prevents osteoporosis.

The artichoke is also full of iron to boost your energy, magnesium which prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases or even manganese essential for bone formation and promotes “good” cholesterol. Antioxidant through its contributions of different phenolic compounds, the artichoke is recommended in the prevention of certain cancers.


They contain numerous antioxidants favorable to the body’s fight against cardiovascular diseases or cancers. They also promote good bone health due to the magnesium and calcium they provide. We also get a good number of trace elements, including manganese, zinc, copper and even fluorine.

Green bean


It is rich in magnesium, which helps lower blood pressure, iron, ideal for fighting fatigue, calcium, for good bone health, also favored by a high concentration of vitamin C. Braised, it will provide you with the antioxidants of vitamin E, and will boost your immune system with vitamin B9.

An appetite stimulant, fennel will allow you to have a diet rich in antioxidants, because its power is greater than other herbs such as rosemary, basil or oregano.

Finally, thanks to its diuretic properties, it fights intestinal cramps and hypertension. It calms asthma, prevents aerophagia and is an excellent relaxant.

Garlic and onion are protectors against free radicals!

Highest antioxidant content of plants, an excellent source of selenium, a mineral essential for providing an effective shield against free radicals, particularly those generated in the skin following exposure to the sun.

Onion provides 0.5 μg/100 g and fresh garlic, 14 μg, or nearly 25% of the recommended intake for women.

Garlic contains a record level of vitamin C (31.2 mg/100 g), as well as vitamin B6 (1.2 mg/100 g), which helps the body fight against toxic products and improves the stress response. .

Their conservation

All these vegetables will keep for a week in your vegetable drawer!

Raw or cooked?

In summer, we want freshness and eat more raw vegetables, but be careful not to tire your digestive system! Alternate raw and cooked vegetables.

Listen to your body and if your intestine is sensitive or you are tired, prefer your cooked vegetables (cooked in salad, pan-fried, steamed, etc.).

Be careful if you have a fragile intestine or a significant inflammatory area:

THE potato, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant are part of the Salinaceae family which are vegetables that contain neurotoxic alkanoids which can cause migraines and impair muscle and joint function by increasing the inflammatory terrain.

If you have fragile intestines and/or inflammatory areas (osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, etc.), remove the skin and seeds from these vegetables.

In what quantity should we consume them to be and stay healthy?

At will!!!

Alternating cooked or raw, put colors (at least 3) on your plate!

They provide few calories but are a mine of vitamins and minerals, so stock up and eat them with every meal.

Slimming ally par excellence, with their richness in water and fiber, which will hydrate you and allow you to be satiated more quickly thanks to their large volume in the stomach.

In summary: summer vegetables should be eaten without moderation, raw or cooked, add color and vitamin to your plates as much as you want!