[Article updated on 19/09/2023]
For the new year 2020, I invited several bloggers to participate in my first event “the best detox recipes after the holidays“. Three participants published a recipe on their blog for detoxify your body for new Year. Find an overview of the recipes below.
Jerusalem artichoke, coral lentil and pumpkin detox recipe by Mylène
Lentils for fiber and vegetable proteins. Jerusalem artichoke helps with digestion, absorption and weight loss. Pumpkin is also rich in protein, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and essential fatty acids and low in calories.
To discover its recipe, go to here.
Learn more about Mylène
Mylène has been offering numerous recipes through her blog Craquounette Avenue for almost 5 years. It’s a way for her to share her passion for baking. She pays particular attention to presentation, because the appetite is opened with the eyes. It is also a way for her to express her creativity; she likes to try unusual pairings and make a variety of pastries. Finally, diet plays an essential role in our well-being, so it always tries to reduce fat and reduce sugar in its recipes. You will therefore find many simple recipes but also more technical recipes, there is something for all tastes and for all spoons!
Detox and slimming salad by Sylvie
The salad that Sylvie suggests is composed of:
- spinach a vegetable : good for hair, prevents certain cancers, helps keep bones strong, it is a excellent appetite suppressant, helps to keep in shape and is the ally of our heart;
- cashew nuts : sources of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants;
- crayfish : low in calories, source of phosphorus, iron and sodium, fights against bad cholesterol;
- clementines : low in calories, rich in vitamin C, source of trace elements and minerals.
To discover its recipe, go to here.
Learn more about Sylvie
Sylvie has been running her blog “La table de Clara” for 4 years now. It was his Italian grandmother who gave him a taste for cooking, for simple and tasty things. Today it’s Sylvie, a great foodie, who pleases her family by cooking them the little dishes they love. Why “La table de Clara” is her daughter’s first name, Sylvie hopes to be able to share her passion for cooking with her.
Detox juice and soup by Delphine
Pineapple, citrus and ginger juice
For a detox juice, Delphine offers you these ingredients:
- pineapple : rich in fiber, detoxifies the body and helps the body eliminate and drain excesses;
- ginger : natural antioxidant;
- lime : rich in fiber, low in lipids and low in calories;
- clementine : rich in vitamin C which stimulates the immune system
To discover its recipe, go to here.
White cabbage detox soup
Delphine’s soup consists of:
- Carrot : benefits for the skin, eyesight, bones and is low in calories;
- Cabbage : very low in calories, appetite suppressant food, rich in fiber;
- Tomato : stimulates transit, low in calories and composed of 95% water. The tomato is an ultra-light, ultra-digestible and ultra-hydrating food.
To discover its recipe, go to here.
Learn more about Delphine
Delphine is a kindergarten teacher, mother of two boys, she loves playing sports, hiking, gardening and especially cooking. She has been sharing her passion through her blog “Oh La Gourmande” for 6 years. Its objective is to create a recipe book open to all, by sharing diverse recipes that can please all types of gourmets. But also give ideas for dishes and menus to avoid the headache of “What are we missing this evening?”.
Thank you to the bloggers for their participation in our event!