The 8 mistakes not to make when you want to lose weight

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

I see a number of people come to my office who have previously failed in their weight loss or who succeeded at one point in reaching the desired weight but who subsequently gained everything back or even more. I therefore give you here the main reasons for these failures so that you can avoid them.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

#1 Wanting to lose too much and too quickly

Many people want spectacular results so that it encourages and motivates them but lose too quickly is the best way to get back to everything afterwards (and even a little more)! I see too many people who have fallen into the vicious circle of “yo-yo”, who have disrupted their natural weight regulation and who gain a little more each time.

My advice : Give your body time, work over time and on your daily habits for gradual and lasting weight loss. And for motivation, set realistic intermediate goals.

#2 Focusing only on your weight

Looking at the scale too much and becoming obsessed with it ultimately turns out to be counterproductive and rather demotivating. We naturally have small variations in weight and weight loss is not linear.

In addition, don’t forget that dietary rebalancing is generally accompanied by physical activity, so there will also be muscle mass gain.

My advice : Maximum one weighing per week (ideally on an empty stomach after urinating, at the same time with the same outfit and the same scale). For motivation, goals in terms of well-being and fitness will help you.

#3 Being too restrictive or excessive

Whether in terms of calories or by avoiding certain food groups (e.g. fats, starchy foods) or too intensive physical activity, many people think that drastic measures are necessary to lose weight and A discipline is imposed which they cannot then maintain over time.

My opinion : If you want your body to do well for you, don’t overtreat it and keep it healthy. It’s all a question of balance (each food group has a role) and dose: no food is in itself harmful, it’s the excesses (or deficiencies) that are.

#4 Eating too much protein

The use of high-protein diets continues to die despite the denunciation of the deleterious effects on health of Dukhan-type diets. Indeed, excess protein will tire the body, particularly the kidneys, and can cause bloating.

My opinion : consuming proteins daily is essential but 1 to 2 servings of 100g of meat/fish/egg/soy per day is sufficient on average, or even less by consuming more pulses and quinoa.

eat protein

#5 Skipping meals

By skipping a meal, we say to ourselves that we are eating less but the risk is above all to compensate afterwards both in quantity and in quality (snacks, snack products).

Most often it is breakfast that is skipped. This will affect lunch but especially in the evening when people come home from work, they are very hungry and will indulge in high-calorie, fast foods and/or eat a dinner that is too hearty.

My advice : A recurring and routine structure helps our body to regulate itself. In addition, encourage a greater calorie intake during the day than in the evening.

#6 Thinking there is a miracle recipe, following the fashionable diet

Every summer has its own fashions and everyone has their own miracle solution shared on the internet, but this is often not based on anything scientific and what’s more, one way of eating can suit someone and be contraindicated for another.

My opinion : What we eat is not innocent and must be adapted to each person’s activity and characteristics. Before diving headlong into a diet and sports program, seek the advice of a health professional.

#7 Abuse low-fat or light products

When we want to lose weight, we may be tempted by products labeled “light” or “reduced”.

However, you should know that these mentions are sales arguments for the manufacturer and can trap the consumer. Indeed, a product can be marked as “low-fat” since it contains less fat than the reference product but is richer in sugar.

Also pay attention to additives which are used to compensate for the loss of material or to preserve the texture.

In addition, people tend to consume it liberally since it is “light” or then to compensate if the pleasure is not up to the original.

Concerning sweeteners, they fool the brain at the moment but this maintains the taste for sweets and increases the appetite during the next food intake.

My advice : be wary of commercial claims and read labels carefully.

#8 Relying on dietary supplements

Some buy “slimming” supplements, “weight loss” or “ fat burner » hoping for a “miracle” effect but these products are more of a business than anything else.

My opinion : It is you and your eating behavior that are the key to healthy and lasting weight loss. Without changing your diet, supplements are of absolutely no use.

In addition, some may have harmful effects or be contraindicated depending on your case.