Who are the best dietitians/nutritionists in Strasbourg and its region?

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

A dietitian is a nutrition specialist who helps patients find a healthy nutritional balance. He works in a private practice, at home, or in various businesses such as restaurants or hospitals. Before having the right to carry out this work, he must follow in-depth training in the field. If you live in Strasbourg and its region, here is a selection of the best dietitians in this sector.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

Véronique Nouvier, state-certified dietitian nutritionist


This dietician specializes in treating people who have an overweight problem. Its main objective is then to offer a personalized diet program to remedy this. She is qualified as a weight loss coach and ensures that you lose weight while maintaining a healthy eating habit.

The best dietitians in Strasbourg and its region
About the dietitian Véronique Nouvier


She receives patients on meet in his office which is located near Strasbourg. It takes care of many categories of patients:

  • Athletes: if you want to lose weight while doing sport, you can consult her to obtain a nutritional program adapted to your practice;
  • Overweight children: in France, several children suffer from obesity. If yours is one of them, you can seek dietary advice from Véronique Nouvier to remedy them while remaining in good health;
  • Pregnant women: during pregnancy, the mother must have a healthy lifestyle, therefore a healthy and balanced diet. This dietician is able to provide you with the best advice to keep you and your baby healthy.

Name: Véronique Nouvier
Website : https://www.nouvier.com/
Telephone: 03 88 21 07 66

Magali MOEGLE, qualified dietician


She is a dietitian with a BTS in dietetics after having completed internships in a hospital center, in collective catering and in vegan cuisine. She also specializes in patient communication methods, study of behavioral disorders, aromatherapy and micronutrition. She is part of several dietetic associations such as the ADL, the AVF, the AFDIAG and the IEDM.

The best dietitians in Strasbourg and its region
About dietician Magali Moegle.


According to Magali MOEGLE, the Dietetics is an art of living. To consult it, you must make an appointment online. She takes care of different types of patients. In the first place, she takes stock of their eating habits. Then, during the following consultations, they are closely monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved and if patients follow the program to the letter. Otherwise, she puts forward other solutions.

Name: Magali MOEGLE
Website : https://www.magali-moegle.fr/
Telephone: 06 23 08 55 80

Laurent TSCHANZ, dietitian nutritionist


This dietitian works within of the NUTRITIONCONSEIL practice which opens its doors to help patients solve their feeding problem. He has been doing this job for 20 years already. It is available for individuals but also for professionals like restaurants, sports clubs… and many others.

The best dietitians in Strasbourg and its region
Website of dietician Laurent Tschanz.


Regardless of your age (child, adult, senior) and your problem (pregnancy, illness), Laurent TSCHANZ always finds a solution for you. Consultations at within the firm happens as follows:

  • A first consultation to get to know the patients, during which they are invited to tell their story, especially talk about their eating habits and state the reason for their visit;
  • Follow-up consultations to see the patient’s progress. You will have nutrition coaching and will define objectives at each meeting.

Name: Laurent TSCHANZ
Website : https://www.nutritionconseil.fr/
Telephone: 06 82 52 07 43

Lorette Richarth, qualified dietitian-nutritionist


Lorette Richarth is a dietitian who specializes in dietetics and nutrition for people who have specific nutritional needs, working at Strasbourg. She is a member of the French Association of Dietitians Nutritionists (AFDN), which requires him to follow the standards of the job.

The best dietitians in Strasbourg and its region
Dietitian Lorette Richarth.


The patients who consult her are diverse in terms of problems (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.) and age (child, adult, adolescent, senior).

The services it offers depend on their needs: dietary rebalancing, support during pregnancy, sports support or prevention of weight gain. During the first consultation, you will discuss your eating habits so that she can establish an appropriate program.

Then, during follow-up consultations, you will have the opportunity to share your difficulties while putting the plan into practice. She will help you and give you practical advice.

Name: Lorette Richarth
Website : https://www.lorettericharth.fr/
Telephone: 06 75 71 95 53

Jacques Géraud, state-certified dietitian nutritionist


He is a qualified dietitian condition that intervenes in people who have weight problems. Her The goal is to help them lose weight or eliminate fat. For achieve it, he uses strictly natural methods, which concern especially nutrition.

The best dietitians in Strasbourg and its region
Dietitian Jacques Géraud.


Consultations at Jacques Géraud are by appointment or online.

Before setting up the new food program, the consultations take place as follows:

  • First contact with the patient, the dietitian nutritionist listens to everything he has to tell him: his daily diet, illnesses, allergies and so much more;
  • Follow-up consultations which serve to reboost the patient so that he goes beyond his limits to achieve the set objectives;
  • Online consultations for those who cannot travel. Everything is done by telephone or computer to maintain the relationship between the dietitian and the patient.

Name: Jacques Géraud
Website : http://www.cabinet-nutritionniste-bnf.com/
Telephone: 01 60 61 26 29

Camille Althaus-Oswalt, dietitian nutritionist


This dietitian has a BTS dietetics. According to her, dietetics is an art of living, which means the art of healthy eating. She works in her own office and receives patients who want to improve their nutrition, reduce the risk of disease or simply have a better quality of life. She is a member of the AFND which takes into account the standards to be followed in the profession.

Camille Althaus
Dietitian Camille Althaus Oswalt.


She opens her office for Strasbourg and its surroundings. She takes care of different types of patients:

  • Pregnant women: the mother must adopt a healthy and balanced diet in order to carry out her pregnancy and promote the growth of the baby;
  • Children: this dietician takes care of children who have weight problems;
  • Seniors: there is a diet suitable for this age group and Camille Althaus-Oswalt will help you find the one that suits you;
  • Athletes: to get more results in addition to physical exercises, this dietician recommends an adequate nutritional program.

Name: Camille Althaus-Oswalt
Website : https://althaus-oswalt.fr/
Telephone: 07 82 20 69 94

Jessica KRENTZ, qualified dietician


Jessica KRENTZ obtained a patent as a Senior Technician in Dietetics after his training at the Lycée Jean Rostand. After that she worked in Saverne as a professional dietitian before opening his own practice. She takes care of children, adolescents and adults. She took in-depth courses on adolescents having eating disorders and suffering from overweight or anorexia.

The best dietitians in Strasbourg and its region
About dietitian Jessica Krentz


Here is how the consultations take place:

  • The assessment consultation: this dietitian listens carefully to understand your eating habits, your health and everything that implies. Then, she advises you on a new diet program adapted to your objectives and your needs;
  • The following consultations are strictly devoted to follow-up. She needs to see how you’re doing.

Name: Jessica KRENTZ
Website : https://www.cabinetpsynco.com/
Telephone: 06 17 38 37 35

Camille FREY, qualified dietitian nutritionist


She is a qualified dietitian who opened his office near Strasbourg. She takes care of patients who have poor eating habits want to lose weight or prevent certain diseases. Its main objective is to promote the functioning of the patients’ body for their well-being. It is necessary that the program to your liking.

The best dietitians in Strasbourg and its region
Website of dietitian Camille Frey.


It offers two types of consultation. First, there is the first consultation during which she gets to know the patient. So, he will have to talk to him about his rhythm lifestyle, culinary habits, health problems and many others Again. In general, it lasts around 45 minutes. Then there will be follow-up consultations to assess the patient’s progress in achieving the objectives and give practical advice if necessary.

Name: Camille FREY
Website : http://www.camille-frey-diet.fr/
Telephone: 09 61 21 41 98