How to save fishing for the fall season?

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

That’s it, the month of September is coming to an end and the Autumn season is arriving.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

The leaves are changing colors, the trees are starting to lose their splendor, the days are getting shorter and maybe your morale is impacted?

Keeping your peaches and bananas is more important than ever in this half-season, which is why I offer you 10 tips to apply now to stay in shape!

Here are my 10 tips for taking care of yourself now

1. Give your body vitamins and minerals

Vegetables and fruits are always the stars of the stalls of your markets and supermarkets. So take advantage of this season’s new products: figs, grapes, apples, pears, quince or even corn on the cob, squash, eggplant, artichokes, carrots and mushrooms, etc. So much choice!

Eat a portion of vegetable(s) at each meal as well as a piece of fruit to boost your energy!

2. Move to stay fit

Physical activity will allow you to increase your body’s energy needs, to better feel your feelings of hunger and satiety, to feel alive in your body and it will allow you to stay in shape.

Find or continue your physical activity pleasure so you can go there willingly to keep fishing in Autumn!

3. Take time to relax

Perhaps this half-season is causing mood disorders for you? A little depression rearing its ugly head or accumulated fatigue? Take a few minutes to relax your body and mind.

These few minutes daily will allow you to refocus on yourself, to breathe and recharge your energy.

man lying in a hammock to relax in the middle of the forest in autumn

4. Make sure you get quality sleep

If your sleep is optimal, you will be in good shape and better receptive to the needs of your body. Sleep impacts our diet, our desires and our needs. If you have poor quality sleep you will be more likely to turn to foods that are high in calories and of little nutritional value.

The tip for quality sleep? Setting up a bedtime ritual: putting on your pajamas, brushing your teeth, dimming the lights in the house, etc.

Stop using screens in the evening so as not to excite your brain. Prefer a more relaxing book, comic strip or magazine.

5. Take the time to observe the changes

Every day you can take the time to pay attention to what is happening around you. What changes does this new season bring to your environment?

The color of the leaves changing, the temperatures dropping, the choice of clothing colors of your colleagues, the days getting shorter,…

Be in observation of what is happening around you, be in the present moment, the here and now.

6. Take advantage of the fresh air to walk around and get some fresh air

Heatstroke is finally over, we can breathe! Take the opportunity to go for a walk during the day on the weekend or at the end of the day during the week, these temperatures are so much more pleasant.

You can also take this opportunity to go for a walk or do some physical activity outside before it gets too cold.

7. Focus on your eating sensations

In order to maintain your weight loss and find or regain your balanced weight, it is essential to reconnect with your eating sensations.

Wait until you feel hungry to start eating.

Take the time to sit down and slowly chew your meal while doing nothing else.

Pay attention to your feeling of fullness to respect the moment when you need to stop eating.

All this while enjoying eating, without screens, in harmony with you and your plate.

The more you learn to understand yourself, the better it will be to achieve your goals.

woman eating and focusing on her food sensation

8. Chase away negative thoughts

“I won’t make it”, “I’m not motivated enough”, “I’m rubbish”, “damn for fucked up”,… All these polluting phrases do you a disservice. They prevent you from moving forward, from succeeding in achieving your goals. You must therefore free yourself from it!

You can start by listing them to become aware of what they are, then stop these thoughts when they surge through you. Reject them, banish them! They have no reason to exist.

Instead, focus on everything you accomplished during your day! So you will emphasize the positive and attract the positive.

9. Establish new habits

The change is now ! Not tomorrow, not next Monday, no, right away!

You can list the first things you want to change in your daily life and your week and stick to them from now on.

It’s a difficult exercise to change what your brain has registered as a comfortable habit for it. Change will require you to step out of your comfort zone!

But if you have read this article this far, you are already on the path to change. Well done !! Continue like this, changing small elements every day until you find a routine that suits you 100%.

10. Dare to ask for help if you need it

Because it is not always easy to face your fears, negative thoughts or harmful habits alone, do not hesitate to turn to a health professional to support you in your journey.

Asking for help requires courage and, for those who do it, it is a first step in improving their situation.

Don’t stay alone if you feel that your problems are too heavy for you to handle, surround yourself with people who want your best and are ready to help you.

You now have all the keys in hand to attack this half season with peach and banana! Autumn is an opportunity to cocoon yourself, take advantage of it.