[Article updated on 19/09/2023]
Are you going through menopause and you are not comfortable with your body? Discover homeopathy to lose weight during menopause.
In a woman’s life, menopause is a generally dreaded moment when many changes take place. Often, during this period, the woman experiences the rarefaction of periods which causes the end of the years of productivity. Thus, the secretion of hormones linked to productivity, which are progesterone and estrogen, stops. However, the fact that ovulation and menstruation end also most of the time leads to weight gain. To reduce this specific effect of menopause, many women opt for a specific diet. Homeopathy is also a real alternative to reduce the effects of menopause, especially weight gain.
Does menopause cause weight gain?
Unfortunately yes. Menopause generally results in an average weight gain of between two and five kilos. However, gaining weight is not a classic effect of menopause, just like the occurrence of hot flashes or dry skin. However, the lack of female hormones can lead to the gain of several kilos since estrogens have a role in regulating appetite and progesterone has a role in modulating energy consumption as heat.
A change in silhouette
Menopause does not necessarily mean significant weight gain. However, this phase of life causes a significant modification in the distribution of adipose tissue.
Before the onset of menopause, fat storage occurs mainly in women in the lower body, thighs, stomach and buttocks. This distribution of fat, gynoid type, is associated with a lower cardiovascular danger.
Following menopause, the distribution of fat mass is suddenly disrupted. Thus, it is more similar to that of men: this means that the fat will be more concentrated in the abdomen. This is the android distribution.
Function essential of the psyche
Most weight gain during menopause comes from psychological aspects. This period of life is extremely difficult for many women to go through. Leaving motherhood behind is complicated, even for those who no longer want children. Unconsciously, menopause is seen as the end of a “young”, healthy and idyllic life.
For many people, it signifies the arrival of old age. Not easy in a century where appearance takes center stage. Consequently, this causes stress, which leads to snacking. Consequence: women gravitate towards fatty and sugary foods and gain weight. Here, it is not menopause itself that causes weight gain but rather the mind.
Menopause and weight gain in the stomach: real links
The upheavals linked to hormones, and essentially metabolic, caused by menopause optimize the appearance of excess pounds. Due to the lack of reproductive function, a surplus of calories is created, often converted into reserves for the body. Apart from weight gain in the stomach, menopause also optimizes the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and hips.
Why choose homeopathy over the menopause diet?
There are many specialists who recommend homeopathy to reduce the effects of menopause such as hot flashes. Unlike a basic diet, homeopathic treatment takes time to take effect and before its positive effects occur.
If you want to lose ten kilos, take into account that they will not disappear instantly. You will have to wait until the kilos come off one by one. However, thanks to homeopathy, you can target the places you want to see melt.
Let’s discover the effects of homeopathy on menopause.
Son weight gain caused by menopause
The homeopathic solution is not the same from one person to another. Indeed, the level of performance of the drug differs depending on the general state of health, eating habits, sports practiced, quality of sleep or even character. To find out more about your profile, I recommend that you go see a homeopathic doctor. Such an expert will be able to precisely determine your homeopathic profile. It will help you find the remedy that suits you to lose weight. This specialist will also give you contraindications and the weekly dosage of the product.
Sabout hot flashes
More than 50% of women going through menopause experience hot flashes. Redness and sweating then occur, causing an unpleasant feeling of heat, even during the winter season. These are side effects of a lack of estrogen. As a general rule, hot flashes subside and stop several years after the last period. It is possible to combat this unpleasant effect of menopause through homeopathic treatment. For my part, this solution really helped me. I recommend that you consider this option if you are in menopause.
Rwater retention of homeopathic treatment
During menopause, women are also affected by the phenomenon called water retention. This manifests itself as swelling of the face, and possibly the legs and stomach. This water retention can also affect other areas of the body such as the buttocks or thighs. By opting for homeopathic treatment, as I did, it is possible to slim down these particular areas of your body. Natrum sulfuricum 5 ch is highly recommended for this type of treatment. However, it is necessary to see a professional before taking this type of product.
Optimizing weight loss with homeopathic treatments
Menopause causes the appearance of cellulite or orange peel skin which is caused by fat storage and water retention. Homeopathic solutions help eliminate cellulite by optimizing circulation and draining cells. However, homeopathy is not miraculous. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out regular physical activities and have an optimal lifestyle. It is also necessary to choose a balanced diet with plenty of plant proteins. Say goodbye to animal proteins! You must also consume fruits and vegetables regularly while leaving aside foods that may contain toxins.
Phases for the treatment of swollen belly from menopause via homeopathy
Even if homeopathic solutions are relevant to combat cellulite and fat storage, it is necessary to carry out a suitable program. Here are three recommendations to take into account: drainage (varied and balanced diet with a “hypotoxic” diet), stopping foods containing toxins and reducing stress.
Make drainage
The first step involves eliminating pollutants such as coffee, tobacco, alcohol and stimulants from your body. Once detoxified, the body is ready for new measures to lose weight. Drainage also helps activate the body’s natural functions dedicated to the elimination of these toxins.
Stop consumingalcohol
If you want to lose weight, alcohol is one of the major enemies. Indeed, the latter increases the appetite and slows down the assimilation of vitamins.
Homeopathy is a real alternative to combat fat storage and water retention on the stomach before and during menopause. Indeed, this option offers the possibility of targeting the areas to be slimmed down. This practice also gives the possibility of removing toxins. It also offers better hunger management.
How does homeopathy help you lose weight?
A homeopathic solution is an excellent option to put an end to these sudden food cravings. It helps put your stomach on hold until meal time. I recommend Antimonium crudum 9 CH and Ignatia amara 9 CH which are very good appetite suppressants (two granules three times each day).
What homeopathic treatment to lose weight?
As said a little above, I strongly advise you to take the Ignatia Amara. This product is relevant to moderate hunger and to cope with snacking: two granules of Ignatia Amara 7 CH three times each day are sufficient. If the desire to eat is continuous, I recommend taking two granules of Antimonium Crudum 9 CH three times each day. From now on, choose your homeopathy treatment to lose weight during menopause!