Vegetables and fruits starting with S

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. We use them as food but also as cosmetic raw materials. Here are the vegetables and fruits starting with S.

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I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.


Safou is the fruit of the safoutier (Dacryodes edulis), an evergreen tree that grows in the equatorial rainforests of Africa. Externally it is characterized by a purplish-blue color, while the internal pulp is pale green. Its shape resembles that of a potato and its length can reach 14 cm. The safou contains:

  • 59% water,
  • 4% protein,
  • 5% carbohydrates,
  • 8.7% fiber
  • and 1.4% minerals.

Safou also contains copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, lipids, vitamins A, C, E and minerals, including .


Salak is the fruit of Salacca zalacca, a small palm native to Indonesia. The salak is the size and shape of a fig and the light pulp is divided into three sections. Between the skin and the pulp there is a white film that is important to eat with all the pulp without removing it. It is a juicy fruit, universally considered pleasant and tasty. Salak contains 82 kcal per 100 g. Salak pulp is known for its antioxidant qualities. It has a strong ability to fight the signs of aging, preserve joint health, promote cell regeneration and detoxify the body.


Salsify is an herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family. The edible part of salsify is its white root, similar to a long, thin carrot. It is very rich in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and contains very few calories. Depending on the preparation, it can also be grated, just like carrots, but it can also be served in salad, boiled or fried. It is particularly suitable for people with diabetes and for the regulation of intestinal transit. The root decoction, for its part, has diuretic properties.


Glasswort belongs to the botanical family Chenopodiaceae. The most widespread species on our territory is Salicornia europaea. Rich in water, fiber and mineral salts, samphire is perfect to consume during hot summer days to hydrate the body and supply it with mineral salts. Glasswort is an edible, tasty and valuable succulent plant. Rich in water and fiber, its consumption is useful for hydrating the entire body and improving intestinal function in cases of constipation.


Sapodilla is the fruit of the sapodilla tree (Manilkara zapota). The fruit is an almost round berry with a diameter ranging from 5 to 10 cm wide. The ripe pulp is sweet and juicy and has a color that varies from yellow to brown to reddish brown. The flavor is sweet and pleasant, in many ways reminiscent of pear. Fresh fruits have a carbohydrate content ranging from 11.14 to 20.43% of weight. The starch content is also moderate, generally between 2.98 and 6.40%. Ripe fruits are in most cases eaten fresh: washed and cut in half. The pulp, soft and juicy, is eaten with a spoon.


Scorzonera is a root with black skin but a very white pulp, whose taste is reminiscent of oysters. This vegetable is the root of Scorzonera hispanica, a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. The one most commonly seen is black salsify, but there is also white salsify, which has a slightly thinner shape and ivory-colored skin. This vegetable does not contain fat or cholesterol and is therefore perfect for the health of the cardiovascular system.

Plant snake

The snake plant is a climbing cucurbit adapted to tropical and subtropical climates. It grows spontaneously in thick bushes on forest edges and clearings in Southeast Asia, China, India and Korea. The unripe fruit has a bitter taste which is however reduced by cooking. The reddish pulp, for its part, is used in Africa as a substitute for tomatoes. The shoots, tendrils and leaves are used as vegetables. It is excellent in cooking, stuffed with chopped peppers, spinach and zucchini.


The Shiso (Perilla frutescens) is a herbaceous plant native to the Orient and used mainly in the food sector. This plant is very similar in appearance to basil, so much so that it is also known in the West under the names Japanese basil and Chinese basil. Shiso is also valued as a medicinal and ornamental plant. Shiso leaves are balsamic and aromatic and can be eaten raw or cooked. Fried, they give a crunchy component to Asian dishes.


Soya (Glycine max) is an annual herbaceous plant that can reach 80-100 cm in height. Soybeans contain a large amount of proteins, polyunsaturated lipids and glycosides, including isoflavones and saponins. It is rich in B vitamins, iron and potassium. Unlike other legumes, soy is more digestible and richer in proteins and lipids. The beneficial effects of soy are linked to the presence of phytoestrogens (natural substances with estrogenic action) and isoflavones (substances very effective in combating menopausal disorders.


Edible nutsedge

The edible nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) is a spontaneous plant, which produces edible tubers. It belongs to the botanical family Cyperaceae. The nutritional values ​​of the small tubers of the yellow nutsedge are very interesting. Their sweet flavor is rather pleasant. Yellow nutsedge is antioxidant and anti-aging. Its sugar content can reach 25% and its energy value is high.


Sudachi is a citrus fruit native to Japan. It is the fruit of Citrus sudachi. Sudachi files are significantly smaller, about the size of a golf ball. Like most citrus fruits, sudachi is rich in vitamin C. The skin and juice also contain potassium. The small fruit even has more citric acid than a lemon. Sudachi juice has a multitude of culinary applications. It can be used in place of soy sauce, lime juice or vinegar.

Black elderberry

The small black berries of the elderberry come from Sambucus Nigra, a plant belonging to the Caprifoliaceae family. It grows throughout Europe. When ripe, elderberries are purple-black in color. The berries of the common elderberry are considered very healthy because they contain beneficial substances such as potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamins B and C. However, care must be taken: elderberries should only be eaten cooked and only when they have reached complete maturity.

On her

Surelle is the fruit of the girembellier (Phyllanthus acidus), a tree native to Madagascar and belonging to the botanical family Phyllanthaceae. Surelle is a crunchy, sweet and sour edible fruit. It can be eaten fresh when still green with salt or accompanied by salt and ground chili pepper. The fruit is also used in confectionery. In traditional medicine, it is used in the treatment of psoriasis, sciatica, rheumatism, constipation, kidney stones, diabetes, asthma, gonorrhea, amnesia, hemorrhoids, etc.