[Article updated on 19/09/2023]
A micronutrition assessment above all allows us to know more about ourselves and to solve certain everyday ailments thanks to the way we eat. This shows how important our plate and what is on it is. Let us first redefine this term “micronutrition” before understanding the usefulness and interest of such an assessment.
What is micronutrition?
Very popular at the moment, micronutrition is getting a lot of attention, but what exactly is it?
It can be defined as a new approach, or at least a different approach to nutrition in the sense that it focuses on small molecules. Far from the great classics of fats, sugars and proteins that we are used to talking about in everyday language as dietitians (but not only that!). The latter brings together a large and vast family of micronutrients, hormones, including probiotics, our famous intestinal roommates. Thus, this microworld present on our plates allows us to keep our shape day after day… If the balance is of course always present to promote the long-awaited benefits.
For more details on micronutrition, I invite you to read or reread Lucie’s article on the subject.
What is a micronutrition assessment?
Ok, micronutrition consists of vitamins, minerals, bacteria that we can find in our food, but what does this have to do with this famous assessment you might ask? And how do you know that you’re bringing everything, in the right quantity?
Given that we are talking about an infinitely small area, hence the term “micro” nutrition, it is essential to understand how these nutrients end up on our plate. But also, if our body has the capacity to integrate them correctly!
This is how the micronutrition assessment takes on its full meaning. This is a tool, used most of the time through a questionnaire bringing together a whole series of questions related to one’s diet but also one’s environment. This questionnaire allows you to better understand your lifestyle and identify all current eating habits.
Following this questionnaire, the disturbed “lands” are highlighted and solutions are proposed based on the responses obtained. The specialized dietitian will then give you a monitoring file in order to visualize your progress according to the elements put in place.
Totally personalized, it allows each person to understand the levers to put in place in order to regularize a disorder thanks to their diet. Indeed, the results of this assessment make it possible to make a better food choice as well as to supplement, if necessary, in a manner custom made, Please ! It therefore really measures the impact of our diet/environment on our general functioning.
For what, for whom?
As surprising as it may seem, the questions in this famous assessment relate to eating habits but also lifestyle, physical activity practiced, and possible disorders experienced day after day. These disorders may have always been part of our lives, may be trivial or much more annoying. In short, a wide range of everyday ailments can find their explanation… on our plate!! It would therefore be stupid to miss it.
Mainly intended for adults and seniors, it can also be carried out for children and adolescents in certain specific cases but on a much less regular basis.
As we have seen, we are far from simple calculations of calories and rations, this assessment being completely personalized, the results obtained will be specific to each person and the advice will be given in line with the person’s objectives.
What can it teach us concretely?
At any age of life, our plate is a major ally. It becomes even more so when we realize that the composition of the latter makes it possible to treat different “terrains” or “profiles”. Here are some examples of areas linked to possible problems encountered:
- Digestive terrain reflecting an intestinal imbalance: transit problem, digestion, food tolerance, bloating, etc.
- Field Neurotransmitters-Stress : sleep disorders, fatigue, mood disorder, feeling of oppression, palpitations, etc.
- Oxidized Land linked to the impact of diet on the oxidation of our body: skin concerns, wrinkles, skin spots, dizziness, etc.
- Land Deficient in fatty acids : difficulty concentrating, memory problems, eczema, stress…
- Hypoglycemic Field by imbalance in sugar management: snacking, sweet cravings, compulsions, etc.
- Acidic Ground : joint pain, osteoporosis, cavities, immune weakness, inflammation, cramps, tendonitis, etc.
- Intoxicated Land by accumulation of toxic elements (additives, heavy metals, pesticides, etc.) or difficulty in eliminating them: pale complexion, irritability, nausea, depression, etc.
Following completion of this questionnaire, your micronutritionist dietitian will be able to tell you the area(s) that are out of order, those that need to be treated as a priority and will be able to help improve your discomfort.
At the end of each session a simple and very visual graph allows you to focus on the areas in question but above all to see the evolution between each assessment.
In general, an assessment is carried out again every 3 months in order to take or redo a concrete assessment of its balance.
Dietary balance and specific advice are put in place with or without food supplements which are not systematic, but evaluated on a case-by-case basis, according to the improvements and feelings perceived over the course of the sessions.
As you will have understood, our health results from the proper functioning of our body but also from the environment in which we operate. The aim of micronutrition and more specifically of establishing a micronutrition questionnaire is to allow the analysis of our dysfunctions in a precise and individualized manner. This allows both an overall assessment of these disorders and, above all, a restructuring through a change in dietary lifestyle.
If this assessment interests you and you would like to establish an initial dietary assessment, do not hesitate to contact a health professional specializing in micronutrition.