How many calories in an apricot?

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Fruits of the apricot tree, apricots belong to a group of fruits that are excellent snacks for figure-conscious people. Although these fruits are rich in carbohydrates, they help in weight loss, if consumed in moderation. The fruit in question is relatively low in calories. Apricot is also a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which speed up metabolism, satiate and protect against a sudden rise and fall in blood sugar. Let’s see how many calories apricot contains.

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Apricot calories: 48 Kcal

Apricot contains 48 kcals per 100 g. To visualize how much it actually is, keep in mind that the amount of calories from an apricot is similar to the amount of calories from an apple or 2 teaspoons of sugar. To get rid of these calories, for example, you should cycle for at least 4 minutes, swim for 3 minutes, or run for 3 minutes.

apricot calories

Apricot: what carbohydrate, lipid and protein content?

Apricots are primarily a source of carbohydrates, which are an important part of a balanced diet. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. They should therefore cover 45 to 65% of your daily energy needs. It should be noted that apricots, thanks to their content of beneficial complex carbohydrates, will provide you with a solid dose of energy. These sugars will help maintain consistent blood sugar levels over time.

Apricots contain fiber (2 g) which supports the weight loss process, regulates the digestive system, stabilizes blood sugar levels and promotes the feeling of fullness. The fruit has a low sodium content (1 mg).

The calories in apricots come from 10% protein, 83% carbohydrates and 7% fat.

Apricot nutritional values ​​table

NutrientsApricot: content per 100 grams
-with sugar0g
-of which starch0g
-including dietary fiber2g
-including cholesterol0g
-of which saturates0.027g
Potassium259 mg
Sodium1 mg

How much does an apricot weigh on average?

A medium-sized apricot (55 g) provides approximately 26 calories (kcal). This corresponds to approximately 1% of the daily caloric needs of an adult human of average weight who engages in average physical activity (assuming a daily need of 2400 kcal).

Do apricots make you gain weight?

While 100 g of fresh apricot provides around 34 kcal, 100 g of dried apricot is already more than 241 kcal! This is obviously due to the reduced water content. However, it must be admitted that eating 100 grams of dried apricots is a real feat. Generally people don’t consume more than 3-4 pieces at a time.

They are a great substitute for candy because they are very sweet and satisfy the appetite. This is why they are recommended for losing weight, of course in limited quantities. They contain a lot of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber helps keep cholesterol levels low and blood sugar levels appropriate after a meal.

Apricots effectively cleanse the intestines, stimulate intestinal peristalsis and are a good quality prebiotic for intestinal bacteria. So it’s worth throwing a handful into your morning porridge every now and then or snacking with your favorite nuts as part of breakfast.

Apricots help keep you satiated thanks to fiber. This is why they promote effective weight loss, of course, when consumed in reasonable quantities. Ultimately, apricots do not make you gain weight.

What are the mineral contributions of apricots?

Apricots are a source of potassium (259 mg), which is an essential micronutrient for maintaining the body’s electrolyte balance. It also participates in the work of the muscles and protects the work of the heart and the brain. Potassium deficiency can cause fatigue, irritability and high blood pressure.

What are the vitamin contributions of apricots?

Apricots are rich in beta-carotene, a compound that is the precursor to vitamin A. Their vitamin C and vitamin E content is also good. In apricots there are many substances that have antioxidant activity. It contains lutein and zeaxanthin, but also quercetin.

What are the properties of apricot?

Apricot is indicated in case of problems due to vitamin A deficiency, such as eye diseases, skin diseases and gastrointestinal diseases, etc. It contains fiber which can help you fight constipation. Eating apricots can help protect skin from the sun. Apricot is useful for preventing excess free radicals, which are the basis of aging and cellular transformation processes. It is useful for boosting the immune system and stimulating the appetite. Apricot has always been considered a panacea for stagnation and resulting swelling. It owes this property to its richness in potassium, which is the mineral drainer par excellence.