Does soy make you gain weight?

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Soy is a legume rich in essential fatty acids. It is low in saturated fat, and it is an excellent source of protein. This plant from the legume family is traditionally used in Asia to make oil or foods such as milk, tofu or soy meat. Its consumption has also become popular in Western countries over the last 20 years. And experts have defined it as one of the most complete foods that exist. However, one question remains: Does soy make you gain weight?

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I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

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Does soy make you gain weight?

No, soy does not make you gain weight. On the contrary, some nutritionists consider soy to be “the slimming agent of the 21st century”. Its high protein content gives it a powerful satiating power. The other important factor which makes soy helps us lose weight is its isoflavone content.

Soy does not promote weight gain.

Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogens, which are non-steroidal plant compounds similar to estrogens. They activate the metabolism so that our body uses more energy. Isoflavones activate receptors that are directly involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. When activated by the presence of isoflavones, adipocytes burn the fatty acids present within them.

One concern about consuming soy products is that they could cause unintentional weight gain by affecting thyroid function. The thyroid controls your metabolism and anything that makes your thyroid less active can slow down your metabolism, leading to weight gain.

A 2006 analysis published in the journal Thyroid looked at several studies that measured the effects of soy on thyroid function. This study found that soy does not have a significant effect on thyroid function. This suggests that soy does not differ from other foods in terms of weight gain.

Consuming soy occasionally does not, however, produce any slimming benefits. Its benefits are manifested when consumed regularly. Soy is a legume, just like lentils, peas or chickpeas. This makes it a very versatile food that can be prepared in many ways.

Does soy sauce make you fat?

Soy sauce is one of the most popular condiments. Coming from oriental cuisine, it brings a very characteristic flavor to your dishes and combines perfectly with almost all foods. It is a sauce that provides 65 kcals per 100 grams, that is, it only provides us with 2% of the recommended amount of calories per day for an adult.

Soy sauce is low in calories, especially compared to other condiments that are often part of our diet. For 100 grams of ketchup we ingest 112 kcal, for 100 grams of pink sauce 125 kcal and for a single tablespoon of mayonnaise we ingest 110 kcal. Soy sauce not only does not make you gain weight, but it can help you lose weight.

What about soy meat?

Soy meat is similar to regular meat. It contains protein and is consumed by vegans and vegetarians around the world. Soy meat is made from soy flour and/or soy oil.

Soy meat can be used to make burgers, tacos, burritos and other dishes that typically use meat. However, there is no evidence that soy meat is fattening. Soy meat contains the same amount of protein as normal meat, but it does not contain any fat.

Therefore, soy is a great alternative for people who want to lose weight, especially for those following a very low-fat diet or trying to reduce the amount of fat they consume.

Does soy milk make you gain weight?

Soy milk is obtained from soybeans, ground in water and heated with steam for a period of between 15 and 20 minutes. It is one of the healthiest and most nutritious drinks available for sale.

Soy milk is also an excellent ally for weight loss, as soy milk only contains around 40 calories per 100 milliliters. It also contains only 2% fat, of which only 0.2 grams are saturated. It is rich in fiber which helps us feel full and less hungry. This makes soy milk very good for weight loss. You can therefore drink soy milk with complete peace of mind, because it will not make you gain weight.

No, soy milk does not make those who drink it gain weight.

What about tofu?

Does tofu make you gain weight? Tofu is made from soy, water and a coagulant. This coagulant is usually calcium sulfate, magnesium chloride or calcium chloride. It is these coagulants that give a different texture and firmness to each type of tofu. This plant food contains only 4% fat and 70 calories per 100 grams.

Thanks to these nutritional values, tofu is ideal in any weight loss diet or for maintaining an adequate weight. However, we must avoid eating it fried, as this would multiply its caloric intake. Grilled tofu is a serving of plant-based protein that we can add to any plate of salad, vegetables or whole grains. We will thus obtain a balanced and healthy menu.

At the end of my analysis, we can conclude that neither soy nor its derivatives make you gain weight. Used as part of a rich and balanced diet, soy and its derivatives can help us get rid of our excess weight. However, it should be noted that excesses should be avoided. Soy is good for your health and does not make you gain weight. But its abuse can have the opposite effect to that expected.

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