[Article updated on 19/09/2023]
Many foods are handed over in question in relation to the nutritional value of their components. Many people ask in particular about products containing gluten. The latter could contribute to weight gain or loss without consumers be truly aware. What is it really ? Does gluten makes you gain weight?
What is it about ?
Scientifically speaking, the gluten is the viscous nitrogenous material that remains after the process elimination of starch in cereal flours. In other words, it is a type of glue that binds several nutrients together when they are wet.
Its role is to absorb water and allow fermentation during the cooking of a floury product. Without it, a dough would not rise and could not be kneaded.
Food products that contain gluten are: wheat, wheat, rye, barley, malt, starch, hydrolyzed vegetable protein derivatives, plant proteins hydrolyzed, soy sauce, icing sugar and many others.
Nutritional intake
100 g of gluten provides 405 kcal or 20% of the reference intake. Note that as a wheat protein, it is often consumed as a substitute for animal protein. This substance is also very popular with vegetarians.
The advantages and disadvantages of gluten
Consume gluten
Gluten is a mixture of 2 types proteins: glutenins and prolamins. They are all both composed of amino acids.
Even if the organism is capable to produce it, it is necessary to consume foods that contain it in order to to optimize their effects. Gluten is one of those elements that help the metabolism function properly.
Ban gluten
Although it may prove useful for the body, gluten is also an allergenic food like anything other food rich in protein. Additionally, it can lead to inflammation of the small intestine. This sensitivity today reaches more than 500,000 people In France.
He is also at the origin of the celiac disease, a chronic condition of the intestine that manifests itself by digestive symptoms like diarrhea or bloating.
Furthermore, gluten is the origin of many other symptoms:
- Neurological: chronic fatigue, irritability, anxiety, panic attack, etc. ;
- Joints: osteoarthritis, polyarthritis rheumatoid, etc. ;
- Skin: eczema, psoriasis, etc. ;
- Immune: type 1 diabetes, sclerosis plaques, dermatitis herpetiformis, etc.
Does gluten make you gain weight?
Because gluten is found especially in floury products or starchy foods, many think that it makes you gain weight. But does gluten make you gain weight? In truth, it does not influence not at all about weight. This is the type of food that is generally eaten associated which can have this effect.
Please note, however, that you still risk gaining weight if you exaggerate your consumption, because it provides a certain number of calories. As is the case with all foods, excess is always harmful.
In any case, it is not no longer useful to deprive yourself of it completely. You risk not bringing sufficient energy to the body, because gluten-free foods are often low in calories.
A gluten-free recipe idea
Some people do not tolerate gluten, being then forced to deprive themselves of it. To balance nutritional needs while avoiding gluten, there are several delicious recipes to adopt. Here is one that will amaze your taste buds.
Here are the ingredients of which you need :
- 200 g of oatmeal;
- 75 g of crushed walnuts;
- 120 g of peanut or almond butter;
- 35 g of coconut oil;
- 60 g chopped dates;
- 60 g of white quinoa;
- 50 g of dark chocolate.
Brown the seeds quinoa on low heat for several minutes in a pan. Do melt coconut oil, honey and peanut butter in a saucepan and mix the whole thing.
Place everything on a sheet baking tray covered with baking paper, giving them the shape you want wish. Finally, bake for 20 minutes at 160°C and it’s ready.
A routine for an ideal weight
Whether you eat gluten or not, there are good habits to adopt to stay in shape and in shape.
Eat regularly and on time fixed to optimize the functioning of your digestive system. By the same opportunity, you will regulate your blood sugar level and avoid illnesses. busy.
Only have three meals and 2 snacks daily, distributed throughout the day. Prioritize quality rather than quantity: prefer unsweetened yogurt to too much sausage oily.
Don’t skip meals. In Indeed, it is not a question of depriving yourself, but of consuming moderately and intelligently.
Don’t drink too much while eating, because you risk disrupting digestion. Furthermore, this risks resulting by weight gain.
Reduce your fat intake so you don’t have to burn those same fats in some time. Eat more fish than meat, more poultry than pork or lamb.
Foods that regulate weight
To regulate your weight, it is important to monitor and diversify your diet. It’s while eating properly and sufficiently that you will reach your ideal weight. Here is some foods to favor for a slimming diet:
- Water: your body needs 2 L daily;
- Semi-skimmed milk: drink at least a glass of milk and eat a serving of cheese every day, because a rate sufficient calcium will regulate your weight;
- Starchy foods in the right quantity: make them so that they represent a quarter of each meal;
- Fruits and vegetables: eat them as much as you want, but preferably raw or semi-cooked.
Recent studies on gluten
A study recent made in the United States proves that depriving yourself of gluten without being intolerant exposes consumers to risks of illness and deficiencies.
On the French side, 5 million people eat gluten-free and only 660,000 of them are intolerant.
According to certain preconceived ideas, gluten increases cardiovascular risks. American researchers conclude that this is false. They even discovered that depriving themselves of it amounts to not consume more cereals and therefore be more exposed to mortality cardiovascular.
Finally, they assert that the Gluten-free products are not necessarily healthier because of additives nutritional. Furthermore, they would undergo significant transformations. Received ideas and trends are sometimes erroneous. The ideal remains to find out more about a food before consuming it. or deprive yourself of it. The case of gluten is obvious, because avoiding it would lead to apparently at various health risks. If you have the slightest doubt about your diet, do not hesitate to seek the advice of a food professional. health.