How many calories in an artichoke?

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

They are a precious gift from the garden. The much-loved artichokes arrive on our tables in the middle of winter, ready to enrich our weekly menu with lots of flavor. These vegetables, belonging to the Asteraceae family, also have a series of interesting benefits for our health, which make them unique in their kind. Rich in phenolic acids and flavonoids, the artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is also a source of tannins, inulin, B vitamins, as well as vitamins C and K. Artichokes also provide mineral salts, such as potassium , magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese. Once cooked, artichokes have a tender texture and sweet flavor. They are not only pleasant to the taste, but also have excellent nutritional properties. Let’s discover together the nutritional values ​​and the number of calories of the artichoke.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

How many calories do artichokes contain?

The artichoke is very light in terms of calories and benefits from a practically perfect nutritional table. The raw artichokes that we put in salads have a very low caloric value, between 18 and 22 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

artichoke calorie

Obviously when cooking, the caloric weight of artichokes varies, depending on the methods chosen. For 100 g of boiled artichokes we are at around 50 Kcal. We can even go up to 208 Kcal for the same quantity of product fried in batter with egg, flour and olive oil. Thus, of the total calories contained in 100 g of cooked artichokes, 8% are provided by lipids, 43% are provided by carbohydrates and 49% are provided by proteins.

Keep in mind that the amount of calories from one medium-sized artichoke (35 g) is similar to the amount of calories from half a teaspoon of sugar. To burn these calories, for example, you should cycle for at least 2 minutes, swim for 2 minutes, or run for 2 minutes.

Protein, lipid and carbohydrate content of artichokes

Artichokes contain 3.27g of protein per 100g. A medium-sized artichoke (35 g) contains approximately 1.1 g of protein. Artichokes contain 10.51 g of carbohydrates per 100 g. A medium-sized artichoke (35 g) therefore contains around 3.7 g of carbohydrates. Artichokes contain 5.4 g of fiber per 100 g. The medium-sized artichoke (35 g) contains approximately 1.9 g of fiber. This corresponds to approximately 6% of an adult’s daily needs.

Artichoke nutritional value table

NutrientsArtichoke: content per 100 grams
-with sugar0.99g
-of which starch0mg
-including dietary fiber5.4g
-including cholesterol0mg
-of which saturates0.036g
Potassium370 mg
Sodium94 mg

How much does an artichoke weigh on average?

An artichoke weighs 35 g on average after peeling. Peeling an artichoke involves removing the tail and less tender leaves.

Minerals and vitamins

Artichokes contain different minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc) and a small amount of vitamins. The most abundant minerals are iron and copper. But the substance that characterizes this vegetable is certainly cynarin, responsible for many properties.

The iron

It is an element that stimulates various organs such as the liver, spleen and intestine. It guarantees a correct supply of oxygen to the cells of our body because it stimulates the production of hemoglobin. Iron is also important neurologically. Iron deficiency causes anemia, fatigue, increased susceptibility to infections, depression.

The copper

It is essential for the development of the nervous system and the cardiac system. Copper plays a crucial role in converting iron into its available form and is also important for the immune system because it maintains the level of white blood cells. Due to these important functions, copper deficiency leads to degeneration of the nervous system, heart failure, anemia and weakened immune system.


It is a substance that derives from caffeic acid and to which we owe the characteristic bitter taste of the artichoke. Cynarin is able to lower bad cholesterol levels. It also promotes diuresis and bile secretion.

Does artichoke contain food additives?

The artichoke does not contain any added artificial food additives. On the other hand, like many other plants, it contains organic acids.

Beneficial effects of artichoke

The artichoke is a real panacea for intestinal problems, because it balances the bacterial flora and combats irritable bowel syndrome. Additionally, this vegetable helps treat indigestion and speed up digestive processes.

The artichoke’s best-known use, however, is to detoxify the liver of accumulated toxins. Since ancient times, a treatment based on artichoke leaf extract has been the remedy to purify the liver, increase bile production, but also to protect the organ from tissue stress, thanks to the action of antioxidants. , such as luteolein.

The purifying effect also affects the skin, so much so that a treatment based on artichoke extract is often suggested to those who want to get rid of acne and dermatitis. Artichoke is also excellent for keeping high blood pressure at bay.

Prepare a whole artichoke like a pro