A light, colorful and vitamin-packed dessert, exotic fruits take pride of place!

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

What if you opted for exotic fruits, for dessert, to brighten up your New Year’s Eve tables! A true slimming ally, they provide a high feeling of satiety. Those are fruits seasonal and they are rich in water, vitamin C, vitamin B9, potassium, iron, copper and other trace elements and minerals, but also in fiber. A cocktail of flavors that will delight everyone, young and old, there is something for everyone! In addition, they make you happy, reduce stress, the risk of depression and have a relaxing power.
They can be eaten in fruit salads, pastries, chocolate desserts… or simply plain, exotic fruits enhance and color recipes and end-of-year tables in particular.

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I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

For which exotic fruits to indulge in?

All ! On your holiday tables, all exotic fruits, from the most common to less known, allow you to combine light and fresh dessert!

Put colors on your tables and let your taste buds be flattered!

The bananas: preferably not too ripe, it is rich in magnesium, potassium and slow carbohydrates.

She can be flambéed, goes very well with gourmet desserts and surprisingly accompanies some of your preparations salty.

In coming from the Antilles, they are found from November to February.

Pineapple: Very rich in vitamin C and fiber. Even if it seems very sweet (like Victoria pineapples), its energy intake is limited! Easy to combine, its flavor goes well with many savory and sweet recipes.

He is available from November to April.

Lychee: small fruit with white flesh, which combines the flavors of rose and muscat. Very refreshing, it is a festive fruit that is full of vitamins.
You can also cook it in refreshing exotic dishes or more classic preparations. Exceptional source of energy thanks to its vitamin C and carbohydrate content.

Lychee is available from November to January.


The mango : is a fleshy fruit with yellow-orange flesh. Depending on the variety, its skin can be yellow, green or red. Mango is rich in provitamin A, vitamin C, carotene, fiber, pigments and organic acids. It goes perfectly with meat and fish: invite it to your table and be surprised!

Peak season is in December.

The grenade : The pomegranate is one of the oldest known fruits. Its bright colors bring a ray of sunshine to your plates. The fruits must have red skin to be fully ripe. It contains numerous seeds the size of a corn kernel, garnet pink, slightly tart and juicy. Spread in a fruit salad, it adds a colorful and exotic touch!

Pomegranate is available from October to March.

The coconut : It evokes distant islands and dream landscapes. Its very hard brown shell contains dense milky white flesh, the very crunchy pulp, as well as a sweet liquid, coconut water. Coconut water and coconut blossom are sugars with a low glycemic index, and can be used in cooking by people with diabetes. Its flesh is rich in fatty acids, with strong hypo-cholesterolemic properties and in vitamin E, the coconut is a high-calorie fruit, but concentrated in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The delicious flesh of the coconut is delicious plain. You can add a touch of indulgence and exoticism to your dishes, from starter to dessert, by using its pulp and water.

It is available from October to February.

Passion fruit : Although passion fruit has an original name, it is best known for its exceptional flavor. It is very rich in carotene, vitamin C, minerals and fiber. Depending on the variety, passion fruit can be yellow, orange or brown in color. This exotic fruit contains a multitude of small black seeds coated in a translucent orange and fragrant pulp: the aril, whose aromas explode in the mouth when you bite into them! Passion fruit is eaten raw because it cannot be cooked. The more the skin is wilted when you buy it, the more ripe it is! Offer new sensations to your palate, in a fruit salad, alone, or in your sweet preparations and cocktails!

He is available from October to January.

Guava: Guava is a tropical fruit with a musky scent. Guava has an exceptional vitamin C content and its energy intake is particularly low! When it matures, its thin skin changes from pale green to yellow, and may be speckled with black. Its juicy, tangy flesh is cream to salmon orange in color, and it is dotted with small, hard grains.
Guava is very easy to consume in juice, sorbet, or syrup.

It is available in December.


Papaya : Originally from Mexico, this fruit is rich in vitamins and low in calories. Its flesh, which ranges from orange-yellow to the most intense red. Delicious plain, but also gratinated or seasoned, papaya can be prepared quickly.

She is available from October to December.

Prickly pear: Fruit of a Mexican cactus has a subtle, mild and slightly sweet flavor. It is orange-yellow in color when ripe.
It provides vitamin C, but also minerals and trace elements, lots of fiber and a low calorie intake. It goes well with both sweet and savory dishes.

There Prickly pear is available from August to October.

Starfruit: The star fruit is an exotic fruit with a pretty star shape, once cut, it makes a decorative element for plates.
A low calorie intake combined with a great wealth of vitamins make star fruit a fruit that provides tone and vitality. It is also tasty raw, in juice or in the form of compote or jam.

There carambole is available from December to January

The physalis: Japanese lantern, caged love… This fruit native to the Andes belongs to the same family as the tomato and the eggplant. This small round berry, orange-yellow or purple depending on the variety, juicy and sweet, is enveloped in a golden calyx. With an average caloric intake, physalis is a berry full of vitamin C, minerals and trace elements.
Full of juice, physalis is delicious plain, but also fried, stewed, spicy, chocolatey… And has beautiful decorative qualities, in addition to its great taste.

THE physalis is available from November to February.

YOU have a large choice of exotic fruits at your disposal, so for light and vitamin-packed desserts, give them pride of place for your New Year’s Eve!