Who are the best dieticians/nutritionists in Marseille and its region?

[Article updated on 19/09/2023]

Help patients to eat a balanced diet to preserve their health or controlling their weight is among the main missions of a dietician or nutritionist. Even though many websites currently cover the subject, it is always advisable to call on a professional for a healthy and satisfactory result. Discover here the 8 best in the field in Marseille and its region.

Before reading on

I’m not an expert in this field, but I am passionate about nutrition and health.

The articles you’ll find on my site are the result of in-depth research that I’d like to share with you. However, I would like to stress that I am not a health professional and that my advice should in no way replace that of a qualified physician. I’m here to guide you, but it’s important that you consult a professional for specific questions or medical concerns. Your well-being is important. So be sure to consult the appropriate experts and take the best possible care of yourself.

Rachel KENIO, qualified dietician and nutritionist


Rachel Kénio is a registered dietitian and nutritionist. She offers its services in office, at home and online. She operates generally in a medical center in the first arrondissement of Marseille, but can travel within the region if necessary.

Dietitians in Marseille
Rachel Kénio, registered dietician and nutritionist

The consultation is, according to her, a good basis for treatment effective. It is necessary to know your patient well: their age, their mode nutrition, general habits, daily life, etc. Its objective is to establish an exact diagnosis for better recommendations and a good follow up.


Call on the service of Rachel Kénio to follow a treatment that does not present any risk to your state of health if it is within the framework of :

  • A loss or taking of weight ;
  • A change of diet: flexitarianism, vegetarianism, veganism;
  • A treatment for medical reasons: cardiovascular problem, diabetes, readjustment of cholesterol level, bulimia, anorexia, etc.

Name: Rachel Kenio
Website : http://www.keniodiet.fr/
Telephone: +33 6 68 53 52 04

Virginie COULAUD, specialist in dietetics and nutrition in Marseille and Aubagne


Virginie Coulaud is a professional in the field of dietetics and nutrition. She has two offices. One is in 5e district in Marseille and the other is located in Aubagne near the train station.

Dietitians in Marseille
Virginie Coulaud, specialist in dietetics and nutrition

Its versatility is one of its particularities. She disposes a certification in naturopathy, micronutrition, phytonutrition and chrono nutrition. It is also affiliated with the Marseille diabetes network.

She treats people of all ages. According to her, there is always nutritional tips to promote and/or accelerate healing of a patient or to help him achieve his objectives, depending on his mode lifestyle, age and eating habits.


Virginie Coulaud accompanies you from start to finish in your treatment, regardless of its duration. Do not hesitate to ask him for advice in case possible questions regarding feeding mode. She specializes especially for everything that revolves around weight (gain or loss).

According to her, it is insufficient to just offer food to consume regularly. We need to dig into the origin of the problem:

  • The habits of consumption ;
  • Hormonal disorders if the patient has any;
  • The various deficiencies in vitamins or mineral intake;
  • The stress ;
  • Inflammation metabolic.
  • Etc.

Name: Virginie Coulaud
Website : http://www.coulaud-dieteticienne.fr/
Telephone: +33 6 85 93 19 09

Sophie ROUSSEL, qualified dietician


Sophie Roussel is a professional dietitian with a BTS in the field. It is not only affiliated with the Santé Croisée Marseille network diabetes, but she is also a member of the AFDN or French Association of Dietitians Nutritionists.

Dietitians in Marseille
Sophie Roussel, professional dietician

She has a title of sophrologist following her studies at the Institute of Sophrology Training in Paris. A training in 1D and 2e year followed by the French Association of New Hypnosis is added to this already very rich journey.


Sophie Roussel practices in Marseille 12. Before prescribing any form of treatment, she first subjects her patients to an in-depth assessment in order to effectively determine the causes of problems. The journey she followed allows you to adapt a specific nutritional program to each person.

The restrictive diet is far from being among the solutions she propose. According to her, this method is ineffective and just leads to frustration. Instead, it teaches the patient to properly balance their food. Indeed, the objective is not only to lose weight, but especially to maintain the ideal weight in the long term.

Name: Sophie Roussel
Website : https://diet-sophrologue-marseille.com/
Telephone: +33 6 38 73 52 07

Gérard Henri COHEN


Contact Doctor Gérard Henri Cohen if you are in Marseille and are looking for a professional nutritionist in the region.

Dietitians in Marseille
Gérard Henri Cohen, dietitian nutritionist

Like his counterparts, this specialist followed specific training before offering his services in the field of nutrition and dietetics. He specializes in Sports Medicine.


Do not hesitate to contact Doctor Henri Cohen by telephone or via its website for:

  • Lose weight or cure the disorders linked to this situation;
  • A trace psycho-behavioral of overweight;
  • Solutions to eating disorders.

A consultation always precedes the treatment so that he knows better his patients, particularly their eating habits and activities. In this way, he can offer them effective treatments, adapted to their needs. situation. It is also possible to ask him for advice on eating habits. to adopt after achieving the objective.

Name: Gérard Henri Cohen
Website : https://www.docvadis.fr/gerardhenricohen/
Telephone: +33 4 91 61 00 42

Sylvie ANDRE


Resolve the problems and disorders related to the mode of nutrition figure among the specialties of Sylvie André. She is a dietitian nutritionist state graduate. His office is located in 1er district of Marseilles.

Dietitians in Marseille
Sylvie André, state-certified dietitian nutritionist

She holds a master’s degree in biology and food hygiene. A DU in behavioral disorders is also added to his Curriculum Vitae. It offers several types of services adapted to satisfy all patients. They badly need encouragement so that the treatment results.


Sylvie André prepares a daily diet adapted to each patient with the aim of improving their state of health or helping them achieve a specific goal such as weight loss or gain for example. She does not very rarely suggests dietary restriction however, it is possible that it asks patients to manage consumption to manage certain food.

Like its counterparts, it fully supports you in:

  • A loss or taking of weight ;
  • A diet plan as part of treatment to cure type diabetes or gestational;
  • A quest to become vegetarian or vegan;
  • A healing of eating disorders.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. You can always call this professional if you have any questions or advice to ask.

Name: Sylvie André
Website : http://www.dieteticiennemarseille.com/
Telephone: +33 6 83 37 14 37



Manganelli Esther operates as a dietitian and nutritionist liberal for several years in Marseille. She has a skill particularly in the field of Ericksonian hypnosis, NLP or Programming Neurolinguistics and RITMO or Traumatic Shock Treatment Technique.

Dietitians in Marseille
Esther Manganelli, liberal dietitian nutritionist

Micronutrition is also one of its specialties. It would be best to contact her directly if you have any questions regarding this area.


The approach methodology used by Manganelli Esther is most great particularity. She practices hypnosis on her patients to really know in order to identify the real source of their problem. According to her, foods should not be considered enemies. They would be rather allies. Thus, she tries to reconcile food and patient.

This method is applicable in many areas including taking or weight gain, stress relief, to find a better balance food, etc. In short, it digs deep to better motivate the customer.

Name: Manganelli Esther
Website : http://www.hypnose-diet-marseille.fr/
Telephone: +33 4 91 34 92 28



Since 2002, Béatrice Polidori has worked as a dietitian nutritionist following obtaining her state diploma. If previously she only worked in a hospital environment, she currently works as a freelancer in a practice at 10e district of Marseille.

Dietitians in Marseille
Béatrice Polidori, state-certified dietitian nutritionist

In addition, it also offers online consultations for those who cannot travel or are not in the area. YOU can contact her and chat with this dietitian via email, skype, Facebook, or telephone. This is especially useful for tracking.


During the first consultation, Béatrice Polidori assesses his patient carefully. It determines your weight, your height, your BMI, your fat and muscle mass, etc. She asks many questions related to nutrition method to calculate the calories consumed and know the eating habits to determine the source of the problems.

The second consultation takes place approximately two weeks after the start of the regime. This is a follow-up to determine whether it is necessary to provide modifications to the treatment by correcting the foods consumed.

Name: Béatrice Polidori
Website : http://www.dietetiquemarseille.fr/
Telephone: +33 6 61 60 20 38



Hélène Lemaire is a dietitian nutritionist operating in the field since 1985 in hospital environments. She decided to turning to liberal activity since 2005 because she deemed it useful to adopt a particular approach specific to her towards her patients.

Dietitians in Marseille
Hélène LEMAIRE, dietitian nutritionist

She has a BTS in dietetics and a Nutrition certification Cell active. She also followed training in Caycedian Sophrology and G.R.O.S. in Paris. It highlights the importance of an organic diet in its programs.


The experiences acquired over several years have enabled Hélène Lemaire to acquire a wealth of knowledge and know-how to adapt to several cases. Like all other nutritionists, weight regulation is among its specialties.

It establishes a specific dietary program for those who suffer from inflammatory and autoimmune pathology. If you practice sport, contact her if you wish to adopt a diet to optimize the level of performance.

Name: Hélène Lemaire
Website : http://nutriomega.net/
Telephone: +33 4 91 79 46 22